Quiting hCG Diet



  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    i guess i don't understand the need to be posting on this thread all of your successes with HCG, if you remember the original post, she was looking for answers outside of HCG. Its just kind of obnoxious to keep posting your weekly updates here...i mean, don't you guys have like 5 other threads to keep filling up the message boards??? ..........just sayin.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    One of the 'risks' of HCG is supposedly ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome - here is another article with yet another point of view:

    http://www.naturalcycle.org/PDFs/RB2843 Nargund.pdf

    Also, many of the studies quoted by HCG naysayers discuss how "the FDA has not approved the use of HCG for weight loss" - however

    "To be more precise, there are no clinical trials that support the benefits of hCG hormone in suppressing appetite, burning adipose tissues or decreasing discomfort associated with low calorie diet. " and no clinical trials that prove it doesn't work either. (http://www.buzzle.com/articles/hcg-diet-dangers.html)

    Someone posted earlier in the thread that you can find an article anywhere on the web to support your opinion, one way or the other, and I agree that is true.

    I have spent less than $31 on HCG other than buying some different (not more expensive - just different) grocery items - so the expense is insignificant. And I am willing to read any study that gives evidence that HCG causes negative hormonal effects.

    Why not try it without HCG? Whether or not I believe that the HCG released stored fat or resets the hypothalamus, I believe that taking it helps with hunger, and since it has not been disproven, I am willing to use the HCG in the hopes that it actually does help target stored fat loss rather than lean body tissue loss that may be lost on a VLCD.

    Placebo or not, I am pleased with the results. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

    According to my naturopathic Doctor, you will only damage your metabolism by doing the VLCD without the HCG. The HCG DOES release stored fat and that gets burned essentially as fuel so it is almost the same as eating those calories as your body is using it the same way. That is why it doesn't damage the metabolism.

    She also said that MOST women would lose weight during pregnancy if they were eating a sensible diet and didn't take the whole "eating for 2" literally...............I believe that because my sister only gained baby weight with both of her pregnancies and came home from the hospital smaller than she was prior to pregnancy both times............
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    i guess i don't understand the need to be posting on this thread all of your successes with HCG, if you remember the original post, she was looking for answers outside of HCG. Its just kind of obnoxious to keep posting your weekly updates here...i mean, don't you guys have like 5 other threads to keep filling up the message boards??? ..........just sayin.

  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    i guess i don't understand the need to be posting on this thread all of your successes with HCG, if you remember the original post, she was looking for answers outside of HCG. Its just kind of obnoxious to keep posting your weekly updates here...i mean, don't you guys have like 5 other threads to keep filling up the message boards??? ..........just sayin.


    I know that I was a little snarky, ok- a lot snarky. But, I truly do feel its rude for people to be flashing their successes in this woman's face in order to prove something. She didn't like the hCG thing, so I just feel out of respect, its not necessary--especially when they do have their hCG threads that they have to update each other. I know we're all free to debate things, but sometimes I wish people would realize the reason for the post and not looking at each post to find some sort of debate. This lady wanted help on how to change her lifestyle after a bad experience with hCG, which is what I had hoped others would do. Not keep promoting the hCG thing to her and "prove" that there is success. I know if I had a bad experience with something and was looking for help, the last thing I would want are people pushing it back on me. I know people have some strong opinions about hCG, myself included, but to keep shoving it in someone's face is kind of disrespectful. And July, I'm not saying you in particular...I'm meaning the hCG crowd in general. I know you guys are passionate about your hCG (because you've probably had success) and thats fine, because its your life. But, I think a level of respect is needed as well for those that have had bad experiences and are looking for a more permanent change. Thats all.
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Well after only one week on the hCG diet I am quiting. The food restrictions were manageable but it was making me feel absolutely horrible! Weak and shaky all day with zero energy!! I lost 7 pounds in the first three days of the 500 cal diet but then the 4th & 5th day only lost barely half a pound. So I don't know if the homeopathic hCG just wasn't working and my body was going into starvation mode or what. Either way I think it will just be healthier for my body to do it the old fashioned way counting calories and exercising. If anyone has some good tips to share on loosing as fast as possible that would be great. I get discouraged so easily when I don't see the weight coming off fast. Which is the whole reason why I tried the hCG diet to begin with!

    I would love to see you stick with changing your eating and exercise habits so your little one will learn them as they grow. My kids grew up fat because I did not teach them to eat correctly or show them that I exercised! They were all in karate, baseball, football, cheerleading, on and on for THEIR health.......as I sat in the stands scarfing down 2 hot dogs and cokes........holding their happy meals for them.

    It is great to lose a few pounds fast............makes us feel like something is happening........but I can tell you from experience, I GOT it! I have been changing my stuff for 2 years and am far from perfect but I GOT it!

    My top priority was to get healthy........36 pounds just followed that thought process!

    Good luck to you!! :flowerforyou: Jeannie

    Well put!:flowerforyou:
  • pfenixa
    pfenixa Posts: 194 Member
    She also said that MOST women would lose weight during pregnancy if they were eating a sensible diet and didn't take the whole "eating for 2" literally...............I believe that because my sister only gained baby weight with both of her pregnancies and came home from the hospital smaller than she was prior to pregnancy both times............

    I'd like to back July up on this. A coworker of mine is another example of losing weight during pregnancy. She found out during her first pregnancy that she had gestational diabetes so she revamped her diet and began to eat healthy and actually Lost weight. Of course she put weight on during the course of her pregnancy, but it was baby weight.

    I'd also like to agree with kicklikeaGIRL. I've been running into SO many threads lately where a poster is asking for help and unintentionally fuels a debate for a bunch of other people to run with. And majority of the time the debate isn't started by what the OP even said, but by someone taking offense to a detail in someone's response. So someone asks for help and then a few people start bickering and the OP is pretty much forgotten, lol.

    As for this OP: if you're going to try to lose weight the old fashioned way the thing is to not expect a quick fix. Be sure to get your exercise in, and key is your diet (by diet I mean what you eat, not a program to follow). Watch your sodium, that's a killer. I've heard that drinking green tea is helpful in burning fat (though I'm not a tea drinker). And watch these forums! People are constantly adding new threads or responses about new things they're trying and doing. Pick and choose - find what works for you! And good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    i guess i don't understand the need to be posting on this thread all of your successes with HCG, if you remember the original post, she was looking for answers outside of HCG. Its just kind of obnoxious to keep posting your weekly updates here...i mean, don't you guys have like 5 other threads to keep filling up the message boards??? ..........just sayin.


    I know that I was a little snarky, ok- a lot snarky. But, I truly do feel its rude for people to be flashing their successes in this woman's face in order to prove something. She didn't like the hCG thing, so I just feel out of respect, its not necessary--especially when they do have their hCG threads that they have to update each other. I know we're all free to debate things, but sometimes I wish people would realize the reason for the post and not looking at each post to find some sort of debate. This lady wanted help on how to change her lifestyle after a bad experience with hCG, which is what I had hoped others would do. Not keep promoting the hCG thing to her and "prove" that there is success. I know if I had a bad experience with something and was looking for help, the last thing I would want are people pushing it back on me. I know people have some strong opinions about hCG, myself included, but to keep shoving it in someone's face is kind of disrespectful. And July, I'm not saying you in particular...I'm meaning the hCG crowd in general. I know you guys are passionate about your hCG (because you've probably had success) and thats fine, because its your life. But, I think a level of respect is needed as well for those that have had bad experiences and are looking for a more permanent change. Thats all.

    I am not doing HCG, I am a low carber...............

    However, I am researching it because my doctor wants me to do it for 1-3 rounds to reset my Endocrine system and the glands that are made up in the Endocrine system............

    She has given me a time frame to get a certain amount of weight off before she forces me to do the HCG thing..........
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    i guess i don't understand the need to be posting on this thread all of your successes with HCG, if you remember the original post, she was looking for answers outside of HCG. Its just kind of obnoxious to keep posting your weekly updates here...i mean, don't you guys have like 5 other threads to keep filling up the message boards??? ..........just sayin.


    I know that I was a little snarky, ok- a lot snarky. But, I truly do feel its rude for people to be flashing their successes in this woman's face in order to prove something. She didn't like the hCG thing, so I just feel out of respect, its not necessary--especially when they do have their hCG threads that they have to update each other. I know we're all free to debate things, but sometimes I wish people would realize the reason for the post and not looking at each post to find some sort of debate. This lady wanted help on how to change her lifestyle after a bad experience with hCG, which is what I had hoped others would do. Not keep promoting the hCG thing to her and "prove" that there is success. I know if I had a bad experience with something and was looking for help, the last thing I would want are people pushing it back on me. I know people have some strong opinions about hCG, myself included, but to keep shoving it in someone's face is kind of disrespectful. And July, I'm not saying you in particular...I'm meaning the hCG crowd in general. I know you guys are passionate about your hCG (because you've probably had success) and thats fine, because its your life. But, I think a level of respect is needed as well for those that have had bad experiences and are looking for a more permanent change. Thats all.

    I am not doing HCG, I am a low carber...............

    However, I am researching it because my doctor wants me to do it for 1-3 rounds to reset my Endocrine system and the glands that are made up in the Endocrine system............

    She has given me a time frame to get a certain amount of weight off before she forces me to do the HCG thing..........

    gotchya, I just didn't want you to think that since I was quoting you that I was meaning you specifically.

    i really hope that all goes well for you in trying to lose the weight before she forces the hCG thing on ya. you can do it!! :flowerforyou: I say the natural way is the best way to go :smile:

    edited: spellcheck!
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    If you meant me:

    I apologize to the OP and anyone who was offended thinking I was 'waving' any success in their face. I have been overweight all my life and would NEVER brag about my success or pick on someone else who was struggling.

    I'll stay off your thread.