Wanted...New MFP Friends

Hi to everyone. I'm on my 14 day back and 2nd day in the MFP community. I'm hoping some of you great MFP friends can help me out to achieving my goal and maintaining it.


  • Red5092
    Red5092 Posts: 115 Member
    Welcome, and good luck reaching your goals!
  • annieerichi181
    annieerichi181 Posts: 8 Member
    Welcome, I'm on day two as well! Downloaded the app forever ago but never got around to using it, I think it's about time I got my lazy butt back into shape... Maybe we can motivate each other!

    Good luck!
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    Welcome and good luck hitting your goals. I have been on and off MFP for years, but consistently used it for about 10 months now. Feel free to add me.
  • mrambo01
    mrambo01 Posts: 3 Member
    Just got this app but have had the Garmin vivo smart for a couple of months now. Training for a Go Ruck Light Challenge and just did a very slow Spartan Sprint. (I think our group did it in 3 hours) I'd be happy to be an accountability partner for you dirkrocks.

  • yasiral
    yasiral Posts: 133 Member
    Feel free to add me