looking for my crew:)

Looking for positive thriving people, who are goal orientated. I just signed up for this program and my goal is to loose approximately 80-85 lbs at 5'7. If you want to be part of this journey with me, just add me. Might sound like a dramatic transformation but i believe everyone has the potential to reach the goal they've always wanted.


  • Sashoi
    Sashoi Posts: 295 Member
    i agree n i'm with u.
  • briersting
    briersting Posts: 21
    I'm in!

    It's not a dramatic change if it's done in a healthy gradual way. I started my journey January this year and have lost 48lbs. I still have 34 to go, but I know I can so do it. This site has been a huge help already, and I've been a member for a few days.

    Congrats on your six pounds Sashoi! Let's do this ladies!!!
  • nerdfitquest
    nerdfitquest Posts: 167 Member
    Everyone is welcome to add me, I have 188 left to lose! Hope I can help you out!
  • jocrates80
    Looks like you guys are from across the pond (haven't looked at your profiles) but if you want some UK motivation then count me in. My first target is to get to 210lbs, having started the year at 260lbs. I'm currently at 234lbs so i'm around half way there. Once I hit 210, i'll assess from there and set my next goal.
  • mscopper1969
    You are right stepanie, everyone has potential and with hard work and dedication they can reach that potential. I would love to add you as a friend. Sending FR.. I myself need some motivational friends and would love to have you on my crew. :-) And anyone else that would lke to add me, please feel free to do so. I need all the encouragement and motivation I can get. Been back with MFP now for 2 weeks and now getting ready to amp it up with some exercise.. gonna need some motivation to keep me going with my exercise because that is where I totally fail .. LOL. (I'll admit, I can get lazy)