Let's do this again...

Well, I've been on MFP for about 6 years. I've yoyo'd to what ultimately lead to an add-on of 10 pounds per year since I've started. Yep...I've gained 60 pounds since I made my account and off-and-on logged.

I've realized that my health is spilling over into my daily activities. Heartburn, plantar fasciitis in my right foot (and not from running either), a high A1C this spring, no energy whatsoever, don't get me started on clothes.

I'm fat. I eat like crap and watch too much HGTV instead of working out after the kids go to bed. Today, I sent my twins off to kindergarten for their first day and we took pictures. I looked like a pumpkin head on a michelin man. I'm in my last year of my 20's and could not feel any worse about how I let myself go over the years.

I tend to log well for a while, and then I'll go on vacation, or slip up for 3 days...and then it's all shot again.

Anyone else out there like me? I used to run, I like(d) lifting heavy objects over and over again too. I need a legit accountability buddy. Someone to bounce/get food ideas from and to kick each other in the a** to make sure we're not sitting naked in a beanbag chair eating cheetos.

We can hold hands and fix ourselves together. :D


  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Please stop putting yourself down. Weight loss, as you know, can be a long and sometimes trying process. You'll have days where you want to throw the towel in and simply 'give it all up'. You must be strong in yourself and love who you are to see this through. You can do this - you can reach whatever goal you put your mind to and we'll help you here. :)
  • upmommyof5
    upmommyof5 Posts: 21 Member
    Ugh! I need an accountability buddy! I'd love someone who I could check-in with, do regular weigh-ins to keep on track. I also have twins, two sets!! I'll be 40 next year and I'm stuck at the 200-205 range and would like to lose at least 40 by my 40th birthday!