Belly Fat

ibrahimsmama Posts: 42 Member
edited September 2016 in Fitness and Exercise
Dear fitters my three week's journey I lost considerable weight and it's showing on my thighs, sides ,upper body. I look slim already but the problem area is my belly ... I have insulin resistance and I know in this fat loves to store around belly pockets .... but I have tried everything. Early morning crunches , yoga, plank and what not but it has not moved an inch.... I have tried detox drinks as well.... magic belly fat burning drinks from pintrest as well ... it shows the results but as soon as I take any bread or rice , carbs .... it pops out like it never went in.... what should I do? I'm sick of this *kitten* .. Please help


  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Continue to lose body fat and it will go. Our bodies each hold fat in different areas, and it would appear that your belly fat will be the "last to go." But it will go.
  • AndiJH
    AndiJH Posts: 84 Member
    It's only been 3 weeks - patience is a virtue. Keep it up and use this amazing community for support and motivation to continue your journey. Weight loss is a challenge, and it's more than just numbers on a scale - it's a lifestyle change that will give you lasting results if you make a habit out of it - which is why those quick fixes and miracle detoxes are only temporary. Stick to it, and you WILL see changes!
  • jasonsunlee
    jasonsunlee Posts: 48 Member
    Targeting abs alone won't get you a flatter stomach. Try focusing on what foods you're eating, HIIT cardio 2-3x a week with some strength training mixed in between the weeks.

    It also sounds like you have some body fat left to burn off. You won't be able to see much definition in your abs until you're down to a lower body fat %.

    More importantly, 3 weeks of of your work-out regiment is a good start. I wouldn't expect to see immediate results. This isn't a race, it's a marathon. Think long-term gains.
  • MamaMenorca
    MamaMenorca Posts: 22 Member
    I have the same problem. My belly fat is always the last to go down at all. A lot of times it is diet, rather than exercise. You cannot spot reduce fat. The more you train your abs to get the fat to go down, the more you will just build the muscle underneath which could actually make you appear like you have gained rather than gone down. Instead, focus on cardio, HIIT is the best, and what you are eating. Keep your diet clean with lots of fruits and veggies, and high protein. Most important, don't give up. As the others above have said, three weeks is a good start but only the beginning. Also, if you haven't changed up your workout since you began this could also help as your body is now use to what you are doing. Add weight to the exercises you are doing, do different exercises, anything to shock your system again to get it working. Good luck!
  • I saw results in my stomach when I got closer to my goal weight. Its the last place for me to lose. You see will results just be patience and you will get there.
  • tysonn88rosen
    tysonn88rosen Posts: 16 Member
    You could be doing all of the right exercises etc and I do not know your routine but you might be able to do them in a better order

    Start off with some body weight Abdominal exercises to et the blood to the core
    Ex. 5 sets of 20 flutter kicks or knee ups

    Then get into the weight lifting routine so you will use glycogen as the energy source

    Then get into your abdominal to deplete the remaining glycogen

    At this point you will be tired but you still have a fuel source - it's now that you should get into the cardio aspect. Your body will naturally turn to fat storage as fuel and you will get a second wind when this takes effect

    Just a suggestion

    I used to compete with Olympic lifting which required me to be heavier but now that I'm getting out of that I've been utilizing this type of training along with a good regiment and diet and I've lost 40lbs in the last 8 months. Happy to help if you want to go over your diet and what not
  • Alienique
    Alienique Posts: 122 Member
    Getting rid of belly fat is one of the most challenging ventures in regards to slimming down. Give it time. I don't know anyone that's managed to succeed in flattening their belly in only 3 weeks.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Can't target loss, your body is going to have a mind of its own. I had a massive beer gut and other body fat all over. The gut did finally go when my body fat % was at about 15%. Beware, the last to go is the first to come back too. Oh and three weeks? It took me months of deficit and intense running so give it time.
  • ibrahimsmama
    ibrahimsmama Posts: 42 Member
    You cannot spot reduce. You cannot spot reduce. Did I say that twice?

    No drinks, diets, exercise plans will help you reduce belly fat and not other areas of the body. The only way to drop the fat in your midsection is to burn fat all over, it'll come off likely last. Even then, if that's where you carried most of your weight you're still going to be left with loose/excess tissue/skin in that area and any time you get bloated from too much sodium that's where it's going to show. Once you've dropped your body fat to the point where there should be no fat or very minimal fat in that area you may need surgery if you want it gone 100%. Much of that is going to depend on age, hydration, and genetics. It may take literally years. I'm personally down to about 11% body fat, less in other areas of my body, and still have loose skin in my midsection that looks somewhat like fat, but you can feel my ab muscles underneath. I simply live with it and keep on trying to reach 10% or less body fat which is my goal. At that point I probably still will have loose skin in that area, I'll simply have to live with it. Once you hit maintenance calories and continue to work out (recomp) and build muscle, it may take a couple years to reduce that area of your body even further. You just have to give it time.

    As far as the exercises for your abs, they are good for you. Keep them up. Do more if you can. But it won't spot reduce fat in that area.

    Wowww loved your reply. Thanks
  • ibrahimsmama
    ibrahimsmama Posts: 42 Member
    You could be doing all of the right exercises etc and I do not know your routine but you might be able to do them in a better order

    Start off with some body weight Abdominal exercises to et the blood to the core
    Ex. 5 sets of 20 flutter kicks or knee ups

    Then get into the weight lifting routine so you will use glycogen as the energy source

    Then get into your abdominal to deplete the remaining glycogen

    At this point you will be tired but you still have a fuel source - it's now that you should get into the cardio aspect. Your body will naturally turn to fat storage as fuel and you will get a second wind when this takes effect

    Just a suggestion

    I used to compete with Olympic lifting which required me to be heavier but now that I'm getting out of that I've been utilizing this type of training along with a good regiment and diet and I've lost 40lbs in the last 8 months. Happy to help if you want to go over your diet and what not

    Bundles of thanks. I would surely need your help in this journey. Thanks
  • halfninja2
    halfninja2 Posts: 35 Member
    I agree with just about every post here. I personally lost 65 lbs and 10" off my waist (40" to 30"). You can't target the fat you want to lose, man do I wish you could. I'm pretty lean, but nicely defined abs continue to elude me. I was pretty much there, but I had to lose a lot of weight to get there and I just wasn't happy at that weight. You can build the abdominal muscles with exercise, but that will make the muscle stronger/bigger but not reduce the fat. You can lose body fat by eating a calorie deficit, but what you eat is pretty important so your body still gets what it needs to maintain muscle and health. It takes time - it took me about 18 months to lose all the weight I wanted to lose, so it is definitely not something that happens in a few weeks or a month.
  • sbubenchik
    sbubenchik Posts: 75 Member
    Agreed with everyone, just be patient. You see your stomach the most so it's hard not to think about it, but it will go away. It's all about nutrition if you're trying to get lean. We all want that belly fat gone. You're not alone..
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    3 weeks? Unless you're at a 1000 calorie a day deficit I highly doubt you've seen any real results besides lost water weight to due dehydration from all of your "magic" drinks. Eat in a deficit and exercise regularly. Give it time. My average cuts to lose 12-15lbs last 3-4 months. Nothing happens over time
  • bdpowell947
    bdpowell947 Posts: 2 Member
    I have the same problem with insulin resistance. Eliminate bread, rice etc. these types of carbs will make your belly bloat every time. Eat only carbs from fresh veggies and fruits and you will see a smaller belly sooner than later. Also try not injecting insulin into your area you want to reduce. That works for me.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    It's probably gonna take a while. If another month goes by and no change I would consult your doctor to make sure there isn't anything going on that causes bloating in that region.
  • Rururiri
    Rururiri Posts: 31 Member
    edited September 2016
    Three weeks is not long enough to see results especially in our belly area. It takes time (possibly 6months to a year) especially us women who stores fat for baby production. You'll possibly lose inches in all other areas but the stomach fat. Diet wise it has to be clocked in specifically and must be tracked rigorously to achieve that look. Some will have to reduce bodyfat% to the lowest level. Some achieved it but they stay consistently with their diet and training. It is a big lifestyle change. It is very hard.