9 Pounds in 9 Weeks: Starts Sunday, Sept. 11th



  • I did lose a pound this week, but I'm feeling less motivated. I'm planning meals ahead to stay on track, hoping not to backslide.

    That is always one of the biggest challenges. For whatever reason lack of motivation can creep up and and as you mention we will back slide or fight very hard not to. I hope you regain your motivation! Just take a look at how far you have come no matter if it's a 5 lb loss or 50 lb loss. All progress is good and even small bits here and there add up to the larger end goal! Don't give up and just post back if you need a kick in the pants to keep going!
  • cmv2003
    cmv2003 Posts: 52 Member
    Sep 1 174.0
    Sep 9 170.4
    Sep 16 170.2
    Sep 23 169.6
    Sep 30 170
    Oct 9 167.6
    Feels so slow after the initial whoosh!
  • beemac52014
    beemac52014 Posts: 22 Member
    @ThatUserNameIsAllReadyTaken Thank you for the encouragement!
  • suebee143
    suebee143 Posts: 821 Member
    9/11: 171.2
    9/17: 168.7
    9/26: 171.8
    10/3: 170.6
    10/10: 169.4

    Well, I am certainly not where I wanted to be at this part of the challenge, but it is what it is. I have been doing really well with my eating the past several days. I hope to keep with it. I am leaving for another business trip on Friday. I probably should not be doing a challenge this fall, but doing this helps me keep from completely going off the rails. :wink: Not sure if I will have access to a scale at the hotel. I like to weigh in once a week. I tried doing the daily weigh in, and it just messed with my head. Tracking right now is writing down what I eat and making sure I drink tons of water and exercise 30 mins a day. Even the MFP calorie counting was starting to make me feel too obsessed. I just want to fit into my clothes again!
  • bobbylou23
    bobbylou23 Posts: 199 Member
    Weigh in:
    12/09 - 164lbs
    18/09 - 162lbs
    23/09 - 162lbs - must try harder
    03/10 - 162lbs - frustrated
    10/10 - 161lbs - yeah

    4weeks in and 3lb down - I also measure my wobbly bits : arms, back, bust, belly, hips and thighs and I'm down 17cm in total. Really pleased this week.
  • bobbylou23
    bobbylou23 Posts: 199 Member
    Suebee143 - you're doing great!! Keep tracking this week... And keep up with the exercise... even in your hotel room! Good luck with this weeks 1lb - not that you'll need it X
  • suebee143
    suebee143 Posts: 821 Member
    Thanks, bobbylou. :-) I need all the luck I can get! We are really busy at work right now and I am surrounded by treats from appreciative clients... where is my apple?
  • Sairzie
    Sairzie Posts: 122 Member
    Sept 11th 190lb
    Sept 17th 189lb -1
    Oct 2nd 187lb -2 (2week gap)
    Oct 9th 185lb -2lb

    Lost so far this challenge: 5lb
    Lost since starting: 11lb
  • beemac52014
    beemac52014 Posts: 22 Member
    No loss this week, but I feel good about this week ahead. I think sometimes my body needs some extra convincing to let go of those pounds! :)
  • bobbylou23
    bobbylou23 Posts: 199 Member
    Wk5 Weigh in:
    12/09 - 164lbs
    18/09 - 162lbs
    23/09 - 162lbs - must try harder
    03/10 - 162lbs - frustrated
    10/10 - 161lbs - yeah
    17/10 - 161lbs

  • bobbylou23 wrote: »
    Wk5 Weigh in:
    12/09 - 164lbs
    18/09 - 162lbs
    23/09 - 162lbs - must try harder
    03/10 - 162lbs - frustrated
    10/10 - 161lbs - yeah
    17/10 - 161lbs

    Looks like pound every week sometimes every 2 weeks.What is your sodium intake looking like? You could be suffering from the notorious bloat. Maybe less sodium or more water?
  • suebee143
    suebee143 Posts: 821 Member
    9/11: 171.2
    9/17: 168.7
    9/26: 171.8
    10/3: 170.6
    10/10: 169.4
    10/17: 167.8
    10/24: 168.9

    Well, I am still lower than where I was when I started! LOL

    I was in London for 10 days: 7 for work, 3 for travel. Also was TOM while I was there + plane travel. I am surprised that it was not worse. I walked a ton. Back at it now that I am home... just trying to get the water, veggies and 30 mins of exercise in every day. Two more business trips this year and then a break!
  • Okay, lets see how this goes for me! Starting at 167 on 9-11:
    9/11-- 167
    10/27 - 158!!!!

    Yay! I did it! That last one was playing hard to get!
  • bobbylou23
    bobbylou23 Posts: 199 Member
    Fan blooming tastic 'that user name is already taken' - really really pleased for you!!!!!
  • bobbylou23
    bobbylou23 Posts: 199 Member
    Wk7 Weigh in:
    12/09 - 164lbs
    18/09 - 162lbs
    23/09 - 162lbs - must try harder
    03/10 - 162lbs - frustrated
    10/10 - 161lbs - yeah
    17/10 - 161lbs
    24/10 - ?????
    31/10 - 165lbs

    No excuses - half term... Eaten like a piggy!

    I very much doubt 9 / 10lb!! Is going to drop in two weeks but I'll continue to log.
    Feeling disappointed this morn but it was expected... Ive been dreading the weigh in! Although that didn't motivate me to exercise or stop eating crap.... Now I feel crap.

    Today is a new day - Taking inspiration from thatusernameis alreadytaken - I'm going to join the November group and give it my all.
  • bobbylou23 wrote: »
    Fan blooming tastic 'that user name is already taken' - really really pleased for you!!!!!

    Thank you!
  • bobbylou23 wrote: »
    Wk7 Weigh in:
    12/09 - 164lbs
    18/09 - 162lbs
    23/09 - 162lbs - must try harder
    03/10 - 162lbs - frustrated
    10/10 - 161lbs - yeah
    17/10 - 161lbs
    24/10 - ?????
    31/10 - 165lbs

    No excuses - half term... Eaten like a piggy!

    I very much doubt 9 / 10lb!! Is going to drop in two weeks but I'll continue to log.
    Feeling disappointed this morn but it was expected... Ive been dreading the weigh in! Although that didn't motivate me to exercise or stop eating crap.... Now I feel crap.

    Today is a new day - Taking inspiration from thatusernameis alreadytaken - I'm going to join the November group and give it my all.

    Don't get discouraged! It is definitely not easy somedays for sure. I have been struggling for a few years now and I am finally seeing some progress. I always had a horrible time with my appetite. It was like once I started eating I just could NOT stop. I finally found that lowering my carbs was a huge help. I still have my moments but not as often and it's usually just hormone related if you get my drift. That is the hardest part and the part that always kept me at a stall. I would lose a few pounds then gain right back during "that" time. Then by the time I lost it again it was hormone time again .
  • suebee143
    suebee143 Posts: 821 Member
    9/11: 171.2
    9/17: 168.7
    9/26: 171.8
    10/3: 170.6
    10/10: 169.4
    10/17: 167.8
    10/31: 167.4
    11/6: 169.9

    I can't seem to get a good string of days together. Up two pounds, down two pounds. Now we have entered pumpkin spice season, my favorite season. :s

    One more week of this challenge, yes? How is everyone doing?
  • bobbylou23
    bobbylou23 Posts: 199 Member
    edited November 2016
    Wk8 Weigh in:
    12/09 - 164lbs
    18/09 - 162lbs
    23/09 - 162lbs - must try harder
    03/10 - 162lbs - frustrated
    10/10 - 161lbs - yeah
    17/10 - 161lbs
    24/10 - ?????
    31/10 - 165lbs
    07/22 - 162lb

    Hi suebee143 - yes.. Next week is the last week. I've started doing the November group so it's week one weigh in today.. So I'm pleased I've had a loss!

    Good luck for this week chick... Let's try for another 2lb eh? Then we would've made it half way X yeah!!
  • bobbylou23
    bobbylou23 Posts: 199 Member
    14/11 - Final weigh in 164lb - same as I started!!! Only myself to blame.