Need to lose 100 lbs minimum

Need to have some friends to help me stay motivated. I'm a binge, emotional, overeating, and boredom eater... I weigh 253 my heaviest and have never like how I look.. I want to lose weight my health, self conscious, and for my family. Please add me!


  • LynzBarron
    LynzBarron Posts: 2 Member
    I understand 100% and the reality is I wish I weighed your weight. Lol but I am determined to be healthy. Realistically your weight is my goal weight atm. YOU CAN DO IT. and so can I
  • jah0001
    jah0001 Posts: 21 Member
    You can do it! We can do it!!!
  • callundriaeduacation
    You can do it. It first start with your mind . you have to change the way you think and how you look at food and gain controll of your eating you have to break the habits #changeofmindset #breakbadhabits #healthyeating #goals
  • lauraleepacheco
    Clean eating guys is helping me so much ! And i walk everyday or try to run on treadmill for 30 mins .. Its working ! We can be healthy .. Stop eatingg the *kitten* that is killing us .. Processed food!!
  • soazrj
    soazrj Posts: 23 Member
    Started with 100 to lose, still have around 80 to go. You can do it!