Weight loss and alcohol



  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    I don't know about other people, but I've actually increased my alcohol intake since I started losing. Not that there's any kind of correlation (as far as I know!) but this summer my husband got curious about whisky and we moved from that to trying different types of wines. This was really interesting.
  • AlicePixi
    AlicePixi Posts: 7 Member
    I didn't before and don't now consume alcohol, but crisps, chocolate, and takeaways are allowed within your daily calorie budget. As you gain experience and wisdom with managing your wellness within a budget for calories, carbs, fat, and protein, you will of your own volition re-evaluate the value of calories in alcohol, crisps, chocolates, and takeaways.

    This! Over time you just begin deciding for yourself that it may not really be worth it. If you really REALLY fancy a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup or a bag of Walkers, and it either fits within your calories for the day or you're willing to cut back elsewhere/move a little more over the week to compensate, then go for it. Generally speaking, once you're at maintenance there is much more wiggle room to eat more treats like this in moderation, but most likely by then your old favourites will have been replaced by new, healthier favourites and you don't fancy those "treats" like you used to anyway :smile:
  • Clawsal
    Clawsal Posts: 255 Member
    I still drink wine. I just measure and log it and usually drink 100ml-150ml.

    No takeaway because I can't count the calories. As for the rest, I just eat smaller portions (way way smaller... like 20g of crisps instead of 120g)..
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    Depends on how much you drink that will determine how challenging it will be. I drink practically every night and with such a low calorie goal it's a lot of stress to eat filling foods and have energy for my workout, and then have the budget for alcohol at the end of the day. I'm cutting it out this week and seeing how it goes. Yes I have lost weight drinking but it requires a lot more effort if you are a daily drinker like myself.