
ltlriver Posts: 35 Member
edited September 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Signed up a while ago n guessed my weight.Been walking loads n finally today weighed myself as other half said I'd lost weight and HORRORS! I weighed exactly what Id put down as my starting weight - SO I've either lost nothing after all the effort OR I was about 6lbs heavier than I estimated. Can I edit starting weight?


  • stylistchicky
    stylistchicky Posts: 561 Member
    edited September 2016
    Sounds like you just estimated your starting weight? You didn't actually step on a scale before you logged your weight? If that's not the case read on.
    Try measuring yourself. For example. My scale is up 3 lbs for the last week ...but my inches are down. Sometimes... especially depending on that time of the month we can put on water weight
  • ltlriver
    ltlriver Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks - I need to get my head round beginning logging it all again now rather than getting disheartened n throwing in the towel!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,301 Member
    You can edit your starting weight in your settings,, but why not just use this weight as your start, since you were guessing at first.

    Keep it going.
  • MarkofSuccess
    MarkofSuccess Posts: 120 Member
    It happens. This is a marathon, not a sprint. we hit a wall and just climb over.
    You can do it!! Keep up the hard work!!
  • ltlriver
    ltlriver Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you people! Markofsuccess you were right I was able to edit starting weight and it all makes much more sense now. Very grateful! Yes I am using d MFP calorie system and it surprised me that it allows 1400 cals s day! Cheers folks, I'm more cheerful now