New to community

Hello, my name is Owen and I'm from Lansing,MI. I never realized there was such a large thriving forum on this app. I'm looking forward to checking this place out more.


  • Angelina0215
    Angelina0215 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Owen. I'm Angie from CA. I've had this app for a couple years now lol but only found these forums last month. Since finding them, I've made some friends that have really kept my motivation going this time around!! :) Today makes my 30 day (in a row) log in #WooHoo You (or anyone else) can feel free to add me. Let's help encourage each other!! I know I need all the help I can get :#
    I'll be 40 soon and have barely any energy to keep up with my youngest child, who's 4. I'm also now the babysitter for my grandkids (ages 1 & 3). I gotta get healthy for these kids LoL and the fact I LOVE food doesn't help :D