Bipolar friends

Looking for some crazy friends like me? I has bipolar and need friends that understand me. Lol!


  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,300 Member
    I would just like to ask if you have heard of histamine intolerance? It may not be a problem known to you. I have been reading into thing which might influence my own symptoms and discovered this multifaceted intolerance could have an impact on someone with your declared diagnosis. Its not something most doctors think of. I have no idea if reading around, Histamine Intolerance, may be of help to you or others who reply to your post. Written with the best of intentions, I may not be one of your target audience but I hope this reads as an act of friendship.
  • lexi3500
    lexi3500 Posts: 346 Member
    Im going threw what u going threw .. Add me I'll be your friend
  • Christiee93
    Christiee93 Posts: 68 Member
    Fuzzipeg wrote: »
    I would just like to ask if you have heard of histamine intolerance? It may not be a problem known to you. I have been reading into thing which might influence my own symptoms and discovered this multifaceted intolerance could have an impact on someone with your declared diagnosis. Its not something most doctors think of. I have no idea if reading around, Histamine Intolerance, may be of help to you or others who reply to your post. Written with the best of intentions, I may not be one of your target audience but I hope this reads as an act of friendship.
    Yeah I've looked into it before.
    lexi3500 wrote: »
    Im going threw what u going threw .. Add me I'll be your friend
    Added u
  • lexi3500
    lexi3500 Posts: 346 Member
    Ok sound good I except u
  • travelingpurls
    travelingpurls Posts: 4 Member
    Hi- I just started up with mfp for the 2nd round. I have been diagnosed with histamine intolerance. My Dr says my system 'overreacts' to perceived issues. Over the last two years i have eliminated so many 'healthy' foods from my diet. I sometimes feel like it is a label used when the allergy specialists can't make sense of my situation. I have to avoid all fresh fruits & vegetables, yogurt and odd random things. My reactions immediately follow eating trigger foods and are severe enough to put me in bed the rest of the day. I take 3 allergy pills a day and carry steroids and an epi pen. Sometimes i think it is truly a reaction to a pesticide or preservative - like stuff added to fresh produce to make it look pretty longer? My diet is largely carbs but I'm trying to lean more heavily on the proteins now and see if i can drop the 20 lbs i've gained in the last two years. Not sure if this helps but feel free to contact me!
  • lexi3500
    lexi3500 Posts: 346 Member
    Hello u,
    How's your night coming?