need to find motivation after miscarriage and thryroid diagnosis.

I was diagnosed with hoshimoto's disease end of March.
After a month on my new meds I gained over 10lbs so decided to watch what I eat and work out with no results. very upset my primary doc didn't care to even see me and at the time I couldn't get into a specialist till dec.
by June I found out I was expecting my second child, immediately I called my doctor and they upped my meds and then my OB upped them again. I was hoping the pregnancy would get me into a specialist sooner, it did not.
End of July I found out I had lost my baby, and even though its said that thyroid issues couldn't have been the cause, it's also been said it was a possibility but I wasn't far along to know for sure.
maybe it's my way to coupe but I blame my thyroid and the lack of concern from all doctors involved.
some how I got into a different thyroid specialist mid August, and the best advise he could give me was download MFP and count calories.

as if dealing with this issue and a miscarriage at the same time was/is easy.
its been over a month and a half since my mc and I have no motivation at all.

finally I have downloaded this app again and I hope just coming on it daily will help.
would love other motivators.


  • MissDi321
    MissDi321 Posts: 87 Member
    Brittaney--I am so sorry for your loss. I understand fully what you are going thru with the miscarriage. I too have experienced that loss. I can understand your lack of motivation and your upset and your sorrow. It is difficult to go thru what you went thru and not be depressed and frustrated and angry.

    That said, perhaps you can find a pregnancy support group thru your Dr or hospital. It would be a great help to talk to other parents who have lost a baby.

    DO track and count your calories. It is a big help and yes, it takes more than motivation to keep going--it takes discipline and some work. In the end you will be healthier and learn how to make good food choices and stay healthy.

    I do hope that you find someone in your area to talk to and that can give you hope again.
  • nasry88
    nasry88 Posts: 6 Member
    soo sorrry for ur loss brittany....