Hello new here

jessica561 Posts: 410 Member
edited September 2016 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Jessica Mother of 4 beautiful children. Almost 2 weeks ago I became fid up that I couldn't fit in the clothes how I wanted & that I had 2 bins full of clothes that couldn't fit (pre pregnancy) so I decided to change my lifestyle. I am going to a Moms workout group M-W-F doing more walking/jogging on the off days & definetly eating way better! Start weight was 186.My goal is to lose 36lbs (so far lost 6lbs). Well there you go this is my intro Good luck everyone!!!


  • hydrostation
    hydrostation Posts: 37 Member
    That is awesome to hear! 6lbs down you'll never have to deal with again! Keep up the new lifestyle, and it'll fall off without even thinking about it.

    Welcome to the MFP community, and good luck on your journey!
  • jessica561
    jessica561 Posts: 410 Member
    Thank you
  • Pascoe76
    Pascoe76 Posts: 36 Member
    Good Luck you have taken the 1st step which is the hardest. stay focused eat healthily. stay away from Soda drinks make water your friend. I've just lost 20kgs ( I'm Australian I don't know the pounds bit ) from not eating rubbish eating smaller amounts more often and water water water. if you eat 5-6 times a day your metabolism works better. add people on here the amount of support from other people in the same position is outstanding. sometimes we need a little kick in the backside and we are all here to help.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Well done on a fantastic start! :)
    You are making great steps to be the person you want to be! You can do this.
  • jessica561
    jessica561 Posts: 410 Member
    thanks guys for the encouragement Yes I got this!!!!