Sugar Addict, PCOS, Keto diet...need to stay focused, need friends, need help.

This post is gonna be a pot-luck on several different topics. First off, I have been on so many diets I have stopped counting. Every time so far I quickly slide back to old habits by week 3. I am at week 4 and almost back to all my old bad behaviors. I am a sugar addict and everyday sugar screams inside of my head. I can pass by fast foods, chips, mashed potatoes but all I think about is doughnuts and chocolate chip cookies. I try to get my mind thinking of other things but I just end up right back to thinking about sweets. Sweets are what usually busts my diet and make me slide back. And that is what I am doing now. Over this past week, I have observed my behaviors at just how much sweets call my name. It is like a drug, I am addicted to sugar. I have educated myself on what sugar does to the body but that still does not stop me from eating it.

I want to go back to eating healthy and feeling better. The reason for this diet is not only to loose weight but to help increase my chances in getting pregnant. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 18 and was told that I would not conceive. Well I now have two kids but both pregnancies were not planned. I am now in a great relationship with the awsomest man ever and would love nothing more than to give him a child...only I can't. I have been to the doctor and he said loosing weight helps statistically but I will probably need fertility meds to actually get pregnant. I have been reading on what the best diet is for PCOS and the answer is doing a Keto diet, or LCHF diet. I have being doing that for the past two and half weeks but the last three days I have eaten nothing but carbs...sugary carbs at that.

I need help, I need support and guidance. My boyfriend is supportive of my diet and getting healthy but he is not interested in dieting himself. Plus he is gone half the week due to work.

My starting weight was 234 and my first goal is to get to 210 because that would mean I have lost 10% of my body weight.

Thanks for reading and I am always looking for more friends.


  • countrygrace77
    countrygrace77 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello. I'm also wanting support and to be available to give support. I've never been in a program like this before. So I'm new to how to support others...but I'll give you what I can until I learn better.

    My chiro explained the sugar addiction like this, " Sugar stimulates the same part of the brain that drugs do. So quite literally we do become addicted to sugar." There is no great way to get off of sugar except cold turkey. Now, with that being said he also explained that, "Sugar is in more than soda and cookies. It's in pasta and bread, starchy foods like potatoes and corn. When you remove all of the sugar and allow the body to fully detox itself, then the cravings wil subside."

    Currently I'm testing what he said. Truthfully I went backwards one day, but I'm getting back quickly when I slip. The motivation for me is the chronic pain i have subsided when I removed bread, pasta and sugar from my eating habits. It's not a diet for me. This has to be my eating habits the rest of my life. For physical self preservation. So my actions have been slow. I know that if I'm going to be tempted, that I bring something unsugary that I can eat instead. I have on one occasion at work , spoken out loud a phrase to remind myself that I have a choice. That I'm evolving into a stronger person who makes better choices. That I own my choices of foods that I put into my body, and remember that I'm also teaching my children through my actions. Even through food choices I'm teaching them. That motivates me as well.

    We are all different. We're motivates by different ideas, concepts, thoughts and visions of what we believe about ourselves. You might need to assess what you believe and how you envision yourself. Reclaim who you are and take back the life that sugar has claimed. It's you're master. That right there would be enough to tic me off.

    I love that you're acknowledging you have an addiction. That's a start.
  • countrygrace77
    countrygrace77 Posts: 7 Member
    I don't know how good of a support person I'll be. If you want to friend me, I'll be here for you. I'm learning. I try to check in if not once a day then every other day.
  • AlexTriesKeto
    AlexTriesKeto Posts: 7 Member
    Hey there, congrats on your determination to keep trying. We're human, so slip ups are inevitable; but as long as you have the drive, you'll find a way. When you do low-carb, are you making sure to significantly up your fat intake?

    This is only my first week of Keto, but I have done the whole Paleo reset a few times. Each time I've noticed that there are moments where my carb cravings almost become the sole focus of my brain! Now that I'm trying Keto, I've been really cognizant of making sure I eat enough fat. I find myself being resistant at times because it goes against everything I've ever learned regarding fat. But sure enough, if I eat some fat (often an avocado, or some cheese with grass-fed butter), the carb cravings slip away.

    I don't know if it'll keep being so effective, but I hope so!
  • amyds2104
    amyds2104 Posts: 7 Member
    I am hypothryoid and have always struggled with my weight and been on every weight loss diet, regime going and I have always been up and down weight wise. After my diagnosis I found out that infertility can be a symptom of hypo so started looking into diet changes for weight loss but also for improving my health and chances of pregnancy. I have a massive sugar/carb/rubbish addiction and after 2 weeks of being keto my cravings have slowly gone. But I have came to the conclusion that just one cheat will be my downfall because like any addict it is all or nothing. The person who couldnt go 30 minutes without eating is now fasting all day! My skin and hair are better and my energy levels have improved. I am not calorie counting but making sure I have an avocado a day (fat content booster) and drinking lots of water! I am seeing inches fall off too which is a bonus but my overall health has improved massively! Fingers crossed it helps with the pregnancy side of things. People have praised the results that the keto lifestyle offers so here's hoping. Good luck xxx
  • sceleratis
    sceleratis Posts: 89 Member
    Keto helped me lose over 60 pounds. I purposefully stopped so I could run a bulk and add some muscle mass, and I am back on it now so I can cut some additional body fat for aesthetic purposes. I understand sugar addiction, because I have a massive sweet tooth which keto helped me get under control in a big way. Feel free to add me.
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    Hello and welcome! I suggest you check out the main low carber daily forum group here in MFP. It's where most uf us Ketophiles tend to hang out:
  • sarapooo
    sarapooo Posts: 63 Member
    I can relate to the strong sugar cravings but I don't now anything about the keto diet. At times it feels like we have no will power left so I feel it's helpful to get rid of temptations in the house, make sure your eating enough fats/protein & drinking water to help keep you full. Also doing some research about gut bacteria might help because bad bacteria can contribute to craving sugar. I heard probiotics & fermented foods help with gut bacteria. Remember that if you have a slip up to get back on track right away & reach out for support & accountability by logging on mfp everyday and posting successes, struggles, and goals. Maybe planning a monthly healthy natural sugar treat like blending frozen blueberries, Greek yogurt, & protein powder for smoothie/sorbet will help satisfy your sweet tooth without derailing your goals. Checking in with a support group on myfitnesspal has helped me get back on track after a bad day or week & is a big reason why I have lost 53 pounds this year.
  • Brimstone14
    Brimstone14 Posts: 36 Member
    I can just about guarentee (as im a sugar junkie at heart) that if you eat paleo, or even low carb high fat, correctly, that your cravings for sugar will subside after 2-3 weeks but it's the initial 2 that's 'hard'. Say maybe 3 weeks you'll have a much reduced appetite and you'll be well happy as you'll be feeling not hungry and keeping calories low. The most important thing is to eat the right stuff rather than nothing at all. The goal is to fend off hunger until the body gets 'fat adapted'. Bacon, eggs, salmon (and other fatty fish), cheese (in moderation), steak, chicken with skin, avocado, nuts (not peanuts, cashews could probs be avoided due to carb content), dressings (cesar, etc). Stay away from processed food, potatoes, bread, pasta, noodles, battered stuff, chocolate (unless it's over 85% cocoa then that's ok as a treat), milk (unless in a cup of tea maybe), deep fried stuff and preferably cook in olive oil.
