Unrealistic goal?

Hello everyone,

Embarrassing question..

I am still trying to reconcile whether my goal of having sexy long lean legs will ever materialize or if i should just accept that i will never have them.

i have a large frame, wide ankles, huge calves (that are NOT all muscle), fat knees, thighs etc...just very heavy legs that our out of porportion with the rest of my body.

even if i lost all extra weight that i possibly could--- will they ever change that much to be "normal!?"

******HAS anyone ever had this transformation take place or seen it? and if so, can you send pics cuz i need something to believe in!!!


  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    I had a friend with your body type. She was able to lose a lot of fat in her legs and they were fine (it did not happen over night). Don't beat yourself up!! Take it one day at a time and don't give up.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    Everyone is different. Sadly, the majority of my weight loss is from the waist up. I am sure with more leg exercise, I could get them toned, but they will never be thin and shapely. However, it could happen for you. All you can do is lose the weight and hope for the best.
  • nikki91950
    nikki91950 Posts: 647
    i'm in your same boat. i carry all my fat on my arms and then below my waist. i went in for a dress fitting about a month ago for one of my friends' wedding, and i got into a size 6--but i wear anywhere from a 12-14 in jeans right now. tell me how that makes much sense, right? i'm 5'1'' and 127 pounds, and even at 113 pounds, my legs were still bigger than most at my same height and weight.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Sorry to say that I have not yet seen a total leg transformation like I would like. My calves and ankles are smaller (the only knee-high boots that I could ever get to fit me are now a little loose on my legs) but they certainly are not SLIM. Less "hefty" yes, but not exactly dainty. It might not happen (but I keep saying I'll get lower-leg lipo when I am rich :laugh: ).
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I've been wondering this as well... I do NOT like my calves. Sure there's muscle but there's still definitely fat down there. Grr.
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    I too am rather bottom-half-heavy and previously when I got down to the healthy weight range (and was very fit) my legs definitely looked normal, or if anything too skinny... that is, they look that way when I look at the photos now, I never felt like they were small enough. I guess body image is a hard thing to shift!!
  • tiggertoo57
    Personally I think skinny legs are very unattractive. Shapley legs yes but skinny...no. Take Angelina Jolie for example. Hot right? Legs are way too skinny. Get a good look, there is no shape there. I understand what you mean about bigger legs, a couple of my best friends are bottom heavy, but to tell you the truth I think they look nice when they are toned. Oh, and looking at your pics, your bottom half is no where near the size of the women I am referring too.

    Try this, look at your legs in the mirror every day and say "I love my legs" Talk about how shapely they are and the fact that you don't have cankles. Do this for 30 straight days. Oh, and you are not allowed to say anything bad about them in that 30 days.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I have the same body shape, with a lot of weight in my thighs and calves. Over the past 5 months, I've definitely lost inches from both. It's a slow process, but I know once I get to my goal weight it should have all evened out. I'm working on toning them at the same time, so if they're still not small but they're muscle, I"ll take it. My little sister is the same way and its ALL muscle in her legs. She wears a size 6 but you wouldn't know.