Mom of two looking for friends

Hi, call me Stephy, or Steph. I have two toddlers (d4 and s2.5). I have very little time to exercise, but I do like to run when I can. I try to make my significant other help me watch the kids while I exercise, but he doesn't always help. Any other mothers (regardless of how many kids) in the same boat? I started a family weight competition with my in-laws and I want to beat them. I started out a month ago at 170. I weighed myself this morning and I'm 154.8! My goal is 135, and my height is 5'4".


  • aleshapijan177
    aleshapijan177 Posts: 41 Member
    Mom of an 8 month old, got down to 5 lbs away from my prepregnancy weight 2 months after having my daughter but gained 20 lbs in the last 6 months. I'm 5'4" as well and trying to get down to 125 which was my pre pregnancy weight feel free to add me to help motivate each other!
  • snowmonkey15
    snowmonkey15 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi there, I am Micki, mom of a 17 month old (and a 17 year old). I have really struggled with losing the baby weight this time around. I have been stuck at 139 for almost a year and a half. I am 5'2" and trying to get down to 124. My daughter doesn't sleep much at one time, so I am always somewhat tired and really lack the motivation to workout. Hoping to hit my goal by Christmas and start wearing my regular clothes and actually feel good about how I look again.

    - Steph.... awesome job last month!! Keep it up.
  • DaisyChain80
    DaisyChain80 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi I'm a mum of 3 boys add me.....I need to lose 2 stone
  • p0sitiv3_vib3s
    p0sitiv3_vib3s Posts: 78 Member
    Hi I'm a mum of 5 my husband is supportive but not always helpful! I do have the luxury of them all being at nursery and school but not easy when i have jobs to do and weekends r a bit of a nightmare and school holidays worse! Lol. I have however lost 21lb so far, aiming for another 35 I'm 5'3
  • raellehousek
    raellehousek Posts: 9 Member
    Mom of 1, working on going back to my pre-pregnancy weight, lost 16lbs so far!
  • GlowSands
    GlowSands Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I am also a mom of two toddles: 3 yr old and 18 month old. My husband was deployed for the first year of my second child's life so working out was not even an option. I also have a full-time job and was in school. So I understand the frustration with trying to lose the weight and manage the family. Keep up the good work!
  • TheMegami
    TheMegami Posts: 11 Member
    I can also help with breastfeeding questions. Been there.
  • TheMegami
    TheMegami Posts: 11 Member
    Hi guys, feel free to auto add me!