

  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I purchased a $50 folding laptop riser that lets me stand while I work. This was mostly due to a lot of back problems I developed from sitting with poor posture at a desk all day every day. I also get up and walk around the long way to the kitchen (for water) and bathroom. Stretch out a little as often as possible. And we thankfully get to take a 10-15 minute walk per day if we are keeping up with our work. So I do that as much as possible weather permitting.
  • qwikstreet
    qwikstreet Posts: 94 Member
    I tend to eat at my desk while I work and then use my lunch break to take a walk. Luckily I run a data center so there are days that I am on my feet for hours doing light construction. Then there are weeks where it is nothing but being a desk jockey. No matter what the work day brings, I still try to walk a mile for no reason but to escape the confines of the office.
  • MoonKat7
    MoonKat7 Posts: 358 Member
    Resistance band and do upper body exercises to open up the chest and squeeze the shoulder blades. Body weight push ups on the floor or wall.

    You prob have a round back and internal shoulder rotation from sitting in front of the computer/desk for hours.

    Maybe hire a personal trainer for one hour to check your posture and show you exercises that is best for you.
  • TRosen19335
    TRosen19335 Posts: 12 Member
    I wake up 4am gym from 5-630am
    Work 7am-7pm
    I take the stairs instead of the elevator and I eat a portioned out meal every 2.5-3 hours
    I attend/conduct about 8 meetings per day so sometimes I have to view my schedule and plan meals around that
    If you need snacks to hold you until the next meal
    - almonds
    - Rice cakes
    - Low or no sugar protein bar

    It's not easy but ou can make it work if you figure out your schedule
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    Workout in your off time. You don't have to be on your feet all day long or have an active job to stay in shape. Control your diet and get in a decent workout in the evening.
  • powercycle
    powercycle Posts: 22 Member
    I've also got a 9-5 desk job. No gym in my current office building either. My office is 12km from home so I cycle to work. (It's actually faster than the bus in rush hour!) Easy to extend the ride when I have extra time. Can burn about 1000 calories a day that way.
  • pescetarian_love
    pescetarian_love Posts: 64 Member
    I go for a walk during my lunch and around 2:30 when I have a cup of green tea, its a pretty good boost!
  • upoffthemat
    upoffthemat Posts: 679 Member
    squeeze a ball, have a resistance band, stretch, pace, fidget, move a little. Be less efficient in other ways, park further from work and stores. I work 10 hour days, have been getting 3000-4000 steps in a lot of times. Not every day, but at least half of the time. Little things add up.
  • cnh1104
    cnh1104 Posts: 2 Member
    take those 10 min and walk whenever you can, even if it's just going to a restroom on the other side of the building instead of the one near you...parking in the way back of the lot...taking the stairs...etc.

    I also work 7:30-4pm :) I don't get a lot of exercise at work at all, so I tend to go for long walks in the evening once it cools down outside a little, like around 6pm-7pm. I also walk home from work sometimes.

    This! I always carve out time in the evening to get some exercise in. At work, I also try to take the first half of my lunch hour to actually eat lunch and use the second half hour to go for a walk. The building I work in is on a larger corporate campus and there are sidewalks everywhere- I've mapped out a 1 mile route using the Map My Walk app (I don't run it because I don't want to get too sweaty in the middle of a workday) and I try to walk it during the last portion of my lunch break. If I'm feeling extra dedicated, I'll get to work 20 minutes or so early and walk it then, or walk it right before I leave to go home for the day (it's a 45 minute drive home). I park farther away and get up every hour to walk to the bathroom, refill my water bottle, etc. You can find ways!