Being Fat Ends Now!

Hi all,

Thought I'd introduce myself as it's been a week that I've been on this site now. So, a little about myself and why I'm here: Up until 2011 I had always been quite thin (weight usually around 9st 10 at 5ft9 and a UK clothes size 8/10). And then I got a boyfriend, which meant "cosy nights in" with takeaways and no exercise at all. I also started eating exactly the same size meals as my boyfriend and averaging about 2,500 calories a day. So this went on until I weighed myself at the start of July and found myself at 13st 4 and a size 16/18! I'm fed up of feeling big and frumpy, not being able to fit in any of my clothes and in this heat it's horrible.

So I started on this site and over the past week I've been sticking to 1,200 calories a day, have been doing an hour's exercise every other day and eating mainly fresh fruit and veg. I've also cut out all fizzy drinks and trying to drink just water. As of today I've lost 4lbs (yay!), and hope to be down to 10 stone by December.

It's early days, so am hoping I don't cave in at any point and go on a huge binge (I LOVE food, especially greasy carbs). I just hope I get to my goal weight this year.

Any way, it's good to meet you all!


  • PheonixRizing
    PheonixRizing Posts: 131 Member
    Good to meet you too and cheers for making a choice to start your journey. It's hard but hundreds of people are going down the same road with you.

    As a fellow carb junkie, just know that every now and then you should treat yourself because you only live once.

    You can do it.

    Eat to live, don't live to eat


  • reshyo747
    reshyo747 Posts: 5
    Thanks for your reply! Yes, I will still need my carbs otherwise I'll eaither go mad or relapse and go on a 3,000 calorie binge. Been finding recepies for healthy pizzas and healthy(ish) garlic bread. They all look a bit boring though! Oh, well, better than nothing I suppose :smile:
  • ViktoryaC
    ViktoryaC Posts: 124 Member
    Hey there!
    I'm another ex skinny who packed on major weight in about a year! (size 4 to 16 US) Good luck to us!