
Had no idea what to say in an intro, I hate introducing myself on a new forum of any kind, so this is what I came up with.

Two hunters are in the woods when they see a strange beast. It stands as tall as a human, but it seems to be some sort of cross between a giant rabbit and a chicken. They are not even certain if it has feathers or fur, or a combination.

Joe Bob turns and whispers to Gus, "Do you think it is safe to eat?"
Gus replies "I think I have heard of these things, I thought they were a myth."
Joe Bob waits a second then hisses "Well don't just sit there staring at it, tell me what it is."
Gus whispers in an eerily "It is said that due to the chemicals used on the vegetables and the hormones in the chickens and stuff, that dieters that are following the rabbit food and lean meat, "chicken" diet are turning into these hybrid mutant creatures."

"No way" Joe Bob says just a little too loudly and the Bunny/Chicken raises it's head from where it was scratching away in the grass. Its long ears swiveling to catch any sounds.

As it heads towards them, both hunters panic and shoot.

Yep, that is gonna be my fate people. I don't like seafood, and I started eating chicken before I even started trying to diet because red meat got so expensive. I actually lost weight before I started "dieting" when beef got so expensive, even ground beef.


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,242 MFP Moderator
    LOL! Then I'm going to turn into... a deer-tomato? I wonder what that hybrid might look like. Love your intro - welcome to MFP. :)
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,242 MFP Moderator
    A lettuce leaf/coffee cup?

    A can of soup?

    You've doomed me to dreaming up all the weird food-hybrid things I might become due to years of eating... things. LOL! THanks!
  • PatriciaVogt1
    PatriciaVogt1 Posts: 9 Member
    Sorry that I have doomed you lol. I just get this weird feeling that I am eating a cross between rabbit food and chicken and given what they keep saying about pesticides and the meat industry and pushing organic...well my food budget won't do organic!

    Anyway, nice to meet you, thanks for the welcome :)