Weightloss w/o time for exercise?

So just wanted to see if anyone has any tips or success stories with this. I used to have a gym membership and tried to go a lot but life happens and it's hard. I'm a single mom who works full time monday thru friday plus my son just started kindergarten. We don't get home until 6 and its in bed by 8 for him. I'm also a full time student as well so my time and energy is spread pretty thin right now! I'm trying to do a diet of just cleaner eating- less carbs more protein and lots of fruits and veggies. Have cut out soda (except for rare treats). I started doing minor at home exercises such as squats, wall sits, lunges, small weights, etc but don't have much for cardio. As the weather cools down I'm going to try to start walking around the block with my son when we get home, but so much to do with only 2 hours until it's his bed time! With all of this said has anyone had any weightloss success from just a strict diet change? Also busy moms (or just busy people in general) what do you do for your workout?


  • AdamAthletic
    AdamAthletic Posts: 2,985 Member
    edited September 2016
    malibu927 wrote: »
    You don't need exercise or "clean eating" to lose weight. All you need is a calorie deficit.

    This is also true.
    Personally I encourage anybody to exercise BUT, as correctly stated above - it isn't actually necessary.

    A calorie deficit will cut 'weight', whereas exercise at the same time as a calorie deficit has extended benefits both to health and tone when you've reached your target weight.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    jmervine77 wrote: »
    So just wanted to see if anyone has any tips or success stories with this. I used to have a gym membership and tried to go a lot but life happens and it's hard. I'm a single mom who works full time monday thru friday plus my son just started kindergarten. We don't get home until 6 and its in bed by 8 for him. I'm also a full time student as well so my time and energy is spread pretty thin right now! I'm trying to do a diet of just cleaner eating- less carbs more protein and lots of fruits and veggies. Have cut out soda (except for rare treats). I started doing minor at home exercises such as squats, wall sits, lunges, small weights, etc but don't have much for cardio. As the weather cools down I'm going to try to start walking around the block with my son when we get home, but so much to do with only 2 hours until it's his bed time! With all of this said has anyone had any weightloss success from just a strict diet change? Also busy moms (or just busy people in general) what do you do for your workout?

    How long are you planning to keep this schedule? I'd need exercise just for the stress relief!

    That said, yes, I found MFP when I wasn't able to exercise much due to bad knees. However, I've been strengthening them over the last 18 months and am far less limited by them.
  • jmervine77
    jmervine77 Posts: 5 Member
    It's not that I see exercise as a chore this was simply asking for ideas of home cardio I should say. Like I said I've started incorporating at home workouts and run around with my son, but it's not like I can put him to bed and go outside for a run, plus can't afford a treadmill or other kind of equipment like that right now. Though cutting calories can be very effective which by eating cleaner I am doing so, you could eat super low calories and still be eating crap food. It's very important to make sure you're getting all your nutrients. Protein is very important for increasing metabolism and for helping build muscles- which in return help you lose weight. If you are doing the diet of calorie cutting what kind of food are you eating? And my classes are all online as well so unfortunately no walking on campus for me.
  • jmervine77
    jmervine77 Posts: 5 Member
    I love running and used to always go and punch the bag. It helped me relieve stress and gave me more energy so it's not that I'm trying to get out of exercise it's just more creative at home ideas for it and if not what else to do to help lose weight.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Try fitnessblender.com. It's a free website with a ton of exercise videos that you can do at home.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    edited September 2016
    jmervine77 wrote: »
    It's not that I see exercise as a chore this was simply asking for ideas of home cardio I should say. Like I said I've started incorporating at home workouts and run around with my son, but it's not like I can put him to bed and go outside for a run, plus can't afford a treadmill or other kind of equipment like that right now. Though cutting calories can be very effective which by eating cleaner I am doing so, you could eat super low calories and still be eating crap food. It's very important to make sure you're getting all your nutrients. Protein is very important for increasing metabolism and for helping build muscles- which in return help you lose weight. If you are doing the diet of calorie cutting what kind of food are you eating? And my classes are all online as well so unfortunately no walking on campus for me.

    What is your definition of clean eating? I eat the foods I like, just in smaller quantities. I do focus on hitting certain nutrients, but I still make room for treats, like the bowl of gelato I just ate. Also, yes protein is important, but for maintaining muscle as it's fairly difficult to build muscle while losing weight...even moreso for women.
  • jmervine77
    jmervine77 Posts: 5 Member
    Clean eating to me is less pre packaged food. Instead of the lean cuisines that are lower in calories but packed with sodium and chemicals I started prepping my lunches with baked chicken, rice, and a veggie. I'm not going all crazy where I won't ever eat an oreo or some chips, but to me it's portion control and trying to eat veggies and fruits for my snacks and with every meal.
  • divcara
    divcara Posts: 79 Member
    I had a stress fracture last summer and couldn't do much cardio for 5-6 months and I did continue to drop a lot of weight by eating clean and doing upper body strength training.

    I basically cut all sugar. I'd have the occasional fruit or natural sugars, but not too often when I was in lose mode. I aimed for less sodium in my nutrition. My proteins were portioned chicken, lean ground turkey, egg whites, fish. Carbs were brown rice, whole grain pastas, rolled oats, ezekiel bread, potatos, or sweet potatos. Healthy fats - olive oils, almonds, avocado. Lots of veggies. No sugar added marinaras, syrup, etc. And yes, the occasional treat without going nuts.

    This is definitely not the only way to do this, but eating clean, for the most part, helped me lose. You can do bodyweight exercises for cardio and core- burpees, pop jacks, plank jacks, pushups, mountain climbers, running man, bodyweight squats, jumping jacks, planks, v-ups, palms to elbows, things like that.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Losing (or gaining) weight is entirely about calorie balance.
    Eat less than you need, lose weight.
    You don't need to "eat clean" or do any special diet, avoid any foods, etc.
    (That being said, do have a hard look at which ones have empty calories and which ones bring plenty of useful nutrition. Have less of the former & more of the latter.)

    Exercise is for health & strength.
    If you don't care, or don't have time to be in shape & strong, don't worry about exercise.
    If you do, work it into your day, even in small ways.
    Instead of just sitting down at your desk, sit down 3 times. There - you've done some squats!
    Take the stairs up 1 flight or down 2; park further away from the building.
    When you start looking, you'll find lots of little things like that.

    less carbs more protein and lots of fruits and veggies
    Fruits & veggies are carbs.
  • momoisgorgeousss
    momoisgorgeousss Posts: 40 Member
    Fitness blender on YouTube has quick workouts anywhere from 8-10 minutes and then longer ones from an 30 minutes to an hour, I would recommend the 10 minute ones, so at least you can do some cardio you can try to fit it in before bed, or can wake up 10 minutes earlier to do it or your baby might even have fun working out with you for a few minutes after school. They have playlists so you can find the videos easily and they're free.. Good luck!
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    I don't know about your home arrangement, but in a super time pinch you could walk back and forth in a hallway, doing a burpee at each end for a cardio workout.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Single mom of kindergarten child, full time worker, student

    Yup it's tough

    Look you don't need to exercise to lose weight you just need to eat less than you lose

    I'd get a basic pedometer like a Fitbit one or zip to monitor your general step based activity ..I bet you're more active than you think

    I'd start calorie logging ..weighing all my food and logging with care ..that's where weight loss comes from

    Get active with walks, park romps, games of tag, football with my child and all his friends ...that's exercise you know

    Over time, I'd try to find an activity that centres me...not worrying about calorie burn just something I enjoy that brings me a moment of sanity: could be an exercise class with a crèche, something from fitnessblender at home, nerdfitness basic bodyweight training, swimming if you have childcare ..dancing...whatever you enjoy and can commit to regularly

    For me it's weight lifting ...it's my time and its sacrosanct, and it does amazing things to my body pulling everything in and making it tight

    Oh and sleep ....sleep matters

  • ganival
    ganival Posts: 130 Member
    Try walking to the grocery store or library on the weekends. See if you can get a couple 1-2 hour walks on weekends, then just stick to your calorie target throughout the week. Can you walk to pick up your kids from school/daycare?
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Try nerd fitness for an at home body weight routine?
  • smotheredincheese
    smotheredincheese Posts: 559 Member
    I came here to recommend Fitness Blender but I see I've been beaten to it!
    Sometimes I do one of there 10-15 minute HIIT workouts when I'm pushed for time, they're short but effective.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Exercise will certainly help the calorie deficit - but it isn't essential.
    As long as that deficit it is in place, you'll lose weight. Exercise or not.

    For me, I find that exercise allows me to eat more than I can if I wasn't working out. I love food so exercise is a must for me! :)

    I'd really recommend having a look on youtube *Search Fitness Blender* - there are so many free and short work-out's you can do when you DO have a spare moment.
  • Arapacana1
    Arapacana1 Posts: 117 Member
    If you have a smart phone, could you play Pokemon Go with your son after dinner? Exercise doesn't have to take time away from your precious time with your son at the end of the day - it could be something fun you do together. And I have never met a six year old who doesn't like Pokemon Go.