Afraid of failing just at the beginning.

mylaizai Posts: 13 Member
edited September 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
I plan on losing 30 pounds. Now, into my 7th week , I've lost about 6. I recently came across some statistics that looks very bad. It makes it seem like almost all diets are bound to fail and that you're gonna be even fatter in a few years. I even read some articles suggesting never trying to diet and I'm already scared. I personally don't know anyone who has managed to stay in shape for a long time after dieting.
So, what am I supposed to do? I can't do nothing about my weight, but then again I'm afraid I'd end up among the large number of people who have lost weight only to gain more back.
If not dieting, then what ? I doubt exercising alone can help me much losing weight. Especially when I'm not going to have much time for it in the near future.
Thanks in advance.


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,157 Member
    For me, a combination of diet and exercise helps.

    I've heard all those things too ... but I don't worry about it. If I happen to gain a bit of weight, I know I can lose it again.
  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    All diets aren't bound to fail. Plenty of people here on mfp have lost tons of weight and have kept it off forever. Stay positive! Forget the haters. You can lose 30 pounds if you want to, and you can keep it off forever if you want to. You're in control, never forget it.
  • MsAmandaNJ
    MsAmandaNJ Posts: 1,248 Member
    Congratulations on your loss so far, looks like you're doing well. "Diets" don't work because they end and you go back to eating the way you used to. If you change the way you eat (your diet) you won't gain it back.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited September 2016
    Stop reading this stuff. Stop allowing this stuff to steer your thoughts into negative thoughts.. you do realize that you are allowing yourself to react to all this noise..?

    If you truly want to achieve your goals, you will. If you truly want to keep your goals way into maintenance after losing weight, you will. This is all up to you.. so stop reading the garbage.

    And no exercise alone is NOT gonna help you lose weight.. you HAVE to eat less AND when you have lost weight, you still have to eat less meaning you cannot go back to old way that got you where you are in the first place.. this is where you need to focus your thoughts.. think longevity and long term...
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    Think about it logically. If you teach yourself, through calorie counting, the best way to fuel your body and how much to eat, why would you gain again in the future if you continue to eat that way? See this as a short term diet to lose weight, and you will re gain at some point. See this as learning the proper way to eat and a change longterm TO your diet and it will stay off. Good luck x
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    You can maintain it after you lose it! I've been maintaining a 60# loss for years.
    And I'm sure I'm not alone in doing this!
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    If - once you reach your 'goal weight' - you revert back to the habit's you practised BEFORE you started the 'health eating', you'll gain the weight back. The idea of 'a diet' is to essentially change your lifestyle, your old habits and the way you see food.

    For example, a couple of years ago - I wouldn't haven't have thought twice about ordering a double portion of cheesy fries at a restaurant with chocolate fudge cake for afters. Bearing in mind, I eat out around 2-3 times a week, this was not good for me. Now? It wouldn't even cross my mind to do that. Not because I'm restricting myself - but because I have discovered so many different, tasty and fulfilling foods that those 'cheesy fries' just look a bit stodgy and sickening to me now. That's not to say I CAN'T order them - I sure can - but I certainly wouldn't do it every time I ate out. Hence how I manage to maintain reasonably well :)

    It's a re-education process.
  • Mumu190672
    Mumu190672 Posts: 76 Member
    Don't worry about it.
    People put on weight because they overeat and don't look or don't care about the number on the scale.
    After you have reach your goal put your settings at maintenance.
    Always keep an eye on your weight to ajust if necessary.
    I am French living in the UK and I put on weight a lot in the UK because my life style is different, people are more accepting towards bigger people and the clothes available in the shops are much bigger.
    When I go to France I notice the meals are balanced and people are careful with their portion without doing a diet as such.
    Their goal is usually to maintain their weight and women usually try to lose a bit before beach season.
    My 17 year old lives there and she is careful with what she eats but doesn't diet as such.
    For example she often eat gratted carrots for starter.
    80 g of meat with little fat, half the plate filled with vegetables with a slice of baguette for main dish.
    A fruit or yogurt for dessert.
    The size of the plates are also smaller than in the UK.
    Typically the individual portions sold in France are smaller.
    I can also find much leaner meat there.
    All this to tell you that even if it might be more difficult to maintain weight in certain parts of the world it doesn't mean you will put on weight when you reach your goal.
    You need to keep up eating in moderation for life if you want to be successful.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    edited September 2016
    I visited the South of France for3 weeks this summer and ate dinner out quite a bit. Wonderful fresh veggies and seafood there! Didn't gain anything! Lots of walking and swimming and hills! The restaurants actually served much smaller but satisfying portions there-very tasty! Spices and butter, onion and garlic and fresh herbs!
    Maybe the secret to smaller meals is meals that are fresh and very tasty!
    Oh, by the way, we had almond/chocolate croissants every once in a while-out of this world delicious!!!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    It's the crazy, restrictive diets that will make you fail, not dieting, which is just eating less with the goal of losing weight, but that can be done at a healthy rate and while eating enough of everything you need and food you like.

    Crazy, restrictive diets come in lots of disguises. I fell for one that claimed to be just normal, healthy eating, but it wasn't. Food has to be satisfying and pleasureable and natural. Traditional foods and dishes and eaing habits have proven to be just that. Food that provides pleasure and satisfaction, won't encourage overeating. Food made to be overeaten, will not provide real pleasure, just a prevasive longing, and no satisfaction.