Favorite exercises that target the waist line



  • delboy604
    delboy604 Posts: 116 Member
    Trampolining is great cardio and works core. !!! I'm a few weeks into it now. (Hope the spelling is correct for it)lol
  • mattsmelton
    mattsmelton Posts: 2 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »

    ^ This. You can't really target weight loss to one specific area, but lowering your overall body fat % through diet and exercise while also targeting your abs with various exercises will increase definition and maximize your results.

  • fredericktambunan
    Back squats require alot of torso strength and help build those "ABS" everyone is looking for. No crunches
  • lemmie177
    lemmie177 Posts: 479 Member
    My most consistent and enjoyable exercise is cardio kickboxing. When you're twisting, throwing punches and kicks from your hips and shoulders, its great core work. I do heavy compound lifts, but don't really consider that an ab workout. The only ab-specific exercise I do is landmine 180s, cause its kind of fun. I keep trying to incorporate hanging leg raises and ab wheel rollouts, but can't stick with it. They're so unpleasant and awkward!
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    edited September 2016
    Back squats require alot of torso strength and help build those "ABS" everyone is looking for. No crunches

    That they do, but I assure you extra helps. No one wants their abs to be the weak link in their squat. Noodly midsections are never good when shouldering 3x bodyweight.
  • serapel
    serapel Posts: 502 Member
    Kenda2427 wrote: »
    wilsoncl6 wrote: »
    For females, I always recommend high rep exercises for abs and stay away from weighted exercises unless you want to add a little more volume to your abdominals. If you don't have a lot of ab muscles, do weighted exercises like kneeling cable curls, weighted leg lifts (or hanging leg lifts), dumbell side bends (jacknifes) and plate twists (standing or lying in crunch). Otherwise, if you don't want to bulk up your abs, just tighten them, you can do all of these at high rep, no added weight other than body weight.

    I don't understand why you would tell females to stay away from weighted exercise. Women do not "bulk" up like men using strictly exercise. You are doing a great disservice to women if you are not using weighted exercises and progressively increasing the weight.

    I agree,lifting weights is great,. it has changed my body a lot and for the better.Im not bulky either

    I second this. As a female who was afraid to lift heavy, at age 45 I finally hired a PT and have been lifting heavy for 4 months. Not only is my waist smaller, my bum looks better and my legs are getting really shapely. I have not gained any inches in my legs and my bum has gained about .5 inches.

    I now have more of an hour-glass figure and I LOVE IT.

    I swear by barbell hip thrusts and compound movements like deadlifts and any kind of squat/lunge variation. I look amazing and not bulky. I lost an inch in my waist and I actually look ok naked haha

    My barbell hip thrust progression:

    week 1 (3 sets of 45 lbs - just the bar)
    week 2 (3 sets of 55 lbs)
    week 3 (3 sets of 65 lbs)
    week 4 (3 sets of 70 lbs)
    week 5 (3 sets of 80 lbs)
    week 6 (3 sets of 85 lbs)
    week 7 (3 sets of 85 lbs)
    week 8 (3 sets of 90 lbs)
    week 9 (3 sets of 95 lbs)
    week 10 (3 sets of 100 lbs)
    week 11 (3 sets of 115 lbs)
    week 12 (3 sets of 135 lbs)
    week 13 (3 sets of 145 lbs)
    week 14 (3 sets of 155 lbs)
    week 15 (3 sets of 155 lbs)
    week 16 (3 sets of 165 lbs)
  • serapel
    serapel Posts: 502 Member
    lemmie177 wrote: »
    My most consistent and enjoyable exercise is cardio kickboxing. When you're twisting, throwing punches and kicks from your hips and shoulders, its great core work. I do heavy compound lifts, but don't really consider that an ab workout. The only ab-specific exercise I do is landmine 180s, cause its kind of fun. I keep trying to incorporate hanging leg raises and ab wheel rollouts, but can't stick with it. They're so unpleasant and awkward!

    I find that I am getting beautiful toned abs from heavy weights also. In between sets, I will hold a plank or do some leg raises for extra pump.