Bone-in meats

I was looking over my nutrition information for today and was shocked at how high my calcium was. I never hit calcium goals (I take a supplement so no worries). So I got to looking at individual foods. I used the 10038 number from the usda site to look up the Bone-in pork chop I had tonight. It claims in 212 grams of pork chop I got 53% of my calcium needs. Um what? I did not consume the bone lol! I weighed it raw with the bone, assuming that the nutrition information would account for the inedible parts (aka the bone).

So, my question the future, when I'm having Bone-in meats, how do I accurately log them? Do I weigh the cooked bone after eating and subtract from the raw weight and use boneless entries? Do I still use a Bone-in entry but lower the weight? Do I make like my dogs and gnaw the bone away? This is blowing my mind right now lol! Ftr, I just left things as I'd logged them tonight. A little deficit cushion if it turns out I logged more than I should have. Diary is open to friends so if you really want to look, friend me.


  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    I weigh my bone-in meat after I cook it and find the cooked entry, then I weigh the bone after and subtract it to get the weight of what I actually ate.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Is anyone else getting a chuckle out of how to accurately log your bone-in meat or am I the only person with the maturity of a 12 year old?

    Could always weigh it before and after. IE before you cook it or before you eat it weigh the whole thing then way the reminents after you are done with it, from either eating it or using the meat to cook with. Subtract the weight of the whole portion from the remaining portion to get the weight of the actual meat that was used or consumed.
  • Gena575
    Gena575 Posts: 224 Member
    Lmao @Aaron_K123 I'm usually the snickering 12 yr old and totally didn't catch my own peen joke!

    I guess I was to kerfuffled over that insane calcium % to think clearly lol! At any rate, I do think I'll just start using boneless entries and weighing off the bone inedible parts after. So bizarre that anyone, anywhere thought 200 gr of pork had 53% of anyone's rda of calcium!