

  • Bmiller1975
    Bmiller1975 Posts: 13 Member
    What's cico? Also, why when I add my exercise it has a bigger remaining balance for me to eat? Say I hit my 1400 calories once I plug in my exercise it says to eat like 200-300 cals?
  • jgosler49
    jgosler49 Posts: 1 Member
    Bmiller - I lost 40 lbs. in 4 months and I did not do any kind of Crash diet. I went onto MyFitnessPal and entered my information, weight, height, weight loss goal - and the Pal assigned me my macros - what is macros? that's what I said at first, too. Macros - how many gms of protein, sugar, carbs, sodium, calories, etc. You enter in your food each meal (and snack too) and the database shows you how many calories, etc. you have left for the day. I have learned a lot on this app - like I didn't realize there was protein in more things than meat, cheese, eggs - there is protein in vegetables and fruit too. My issue is sugar - doc said I was going to have to go on insulin and I said No I'm Not!! Of course, we all know we've got to exercise too. Who wants to do That! Not me... but - I've committed to at least 30 minutes per day - also trackable on the app. When I enter in my exercise for the day, the macros increase so that if you were not trying to lose anymore (maintain) you could eat more. At this point, that would be counterproductive. You're getting married in January so you have some time - even if you met 75% of your goal by then, you'd still be looking good on wedding day.... My boss got me a fitbit, that is also helping. It keeps me aware of my activity (or lack thereof throughout the day). You don't need to get one - a simple pedometer will do the trick too. When you have the opportunity, do what you can. I am lazy - so I got an exercise bike (cheap off Craigslist) and I plant my butt on that thing every morning while I watch tv and every night when I get home - 20 minutes each time - and walk... my goodness I never knew how much just walking helps. No time or money for the gym so I'm doing it old school. I really do feel so much better - - - stronger!! And willing to do what it takes. I still have 35 more lbs to lose but the good news is, doc said I no longer need the insulin - so thank God for small favors. Best of luck Bmiller.
  • Bmiller1975
    Bmiller1975 Posts: 13 Member
    U my friend are awesome!!! Thanks for the inspiration you have motivated me more!!! I've been killing myself hiit workouts cardio weights 7 days a week!!!! Thank u so much for ur feedback and good luck on ur 35lbs YOU GOT THIS!!! What are u eating?