I'm new to MFP

Hello everyone.. Hope everyone is well. I'm all new to MFP. I was hoping that someone can help with my calories. I've set myself for 1800 a day. I'm exercising everyday, I push myself to 50-60 mins a day, around our local park, jogging and power walking, getting in my 10'000 steps.
I quit smoking in November last year, I'm a Slimming World member, and I got to target in October. I gained 5lbs out of target, then I quit the smokes. Over the last 10months, I've gained 10/11lbs. I'm so desperate to get these extra lbs of. I've stepped away from SW for some time, to try and look at my calorie intake and food portions..

I look forward to hearing any advice from you lovely lot.



  • pdm3547
    pdm3547 Posts: 1,057 Member
    Well done on the healthy lifestyle choices you've made.

    Calories in, calories out.If you expend more than you consume, you will lose weight. A lot of people find the structure of SW or WW helps, but not everyone.

    Measure and weigh everything. That will help with portion control.

    Eat less, move more. Do cardio and get into a lifting plan.

    That's it. It's quite simple really.
  • andrea2801
    andrea2801 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi pdm3547 thanks for your reply. I'm heading back to work tomorrow, after 4 weeks off. I'm looking to reduce my calories to 1500.. So with regarding "expend".. I don't want to sound thick, but do you mean, I need to burn more than I consume!!! I always get confused!!!!.. I've started to measure and weigh everything properly over the last 2 weeks, of using MFP..
    I'm still walking an hour a day, around my local park.. and now that I am back to work, I will be doing more, as I walk to and from work, and joining a local Zumba group, mid week.. I've got to be careful as far as lifting at the mo, I've got a very bad shoulder and waiting for an operation.. so I'm restricted to how much lifting I can do..

    Thank you.. x
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    andrea2801 wrote: »
    Hi pdm3547 thanks for your reply. I'm heading back to work tomorrow, after 4 weeks off. I'm looking to reduce my calories to 1500.. So with regarding "expend".. I don't want to sound thick, but do you mean, I need to burn more than I consume!!! I always get confused!!!!.. I've started to measure and weigh everything properly over the last 2 weeks, of using MFP..
    I'm still walking an hour a day, around my local park.. and now that I am back to work, I will be doing more, as I walk to and from work, and joining a local Zumba group, mid week.. I've got to be careful as far as lifting at the mo, I've got a very bad shoulder and waiting for an operation.. so I'm restricted to how much lifting I can do..

    Thank you.. x

    Why is there a need to reduce your calorie deficit further? Are you trying to lose faster or a bit more aggressive than you have been?

    What you really want to do is simply stick to the calorie deficit that MFP gave you to lose weight orginally?

    However you should realize that since you exercise you should be eating back those exercise calories (recommended) or a portion thereof. So this does not reduce your calories to eat, it gives you more to eat therefore you are still "expending" more calories than you consume.. I think you may possibly have the MFP method confused a bit or you are trying to lose this weight more aggressively.
  • andrea2801
    andrea2801 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi.. thanks again for your reply.. I don't know what MFP gave me originally, how do I find out??.. so just to make sure I'm understanding.. if my calories are 1500 and I burn 300 in a day, I guess your saying I eat that extra 300 or half??..
    I'm not trying to loose the weight aggressively, I just want to start seeing a difference..!!..

    I got to target in October at 14 stone.. I gained 5lbs and then quit smoking.. I'm now 15 stone. So since quitting I've put 10lbs on.. I fluctuate between 15 and 15.3.. and I'm 5ft 9.. and it's driving me mad.. so I just thought now I'm going back to work and going to be more mobile, I'd reduce my intake..

    Yes I excersise, but I'm no gym buff marathon runner.. it's an hour to an hour half a day of jogging/speed walking round our park..

    I just want to start seeing some results...

    And how do you mean I may have the MFP method Confused???

    Thanks again