Need Support!

I am not new to mfp... have used it off and on for a few years. I just recently decided to get serious "again". I have never been one to seek friends on here but have noticed that many people that have had success have done so because of all the support from their mfp friends... so I thought I might as well build up my support here and see what happens! I will take any friends, but here is a little about me... I am 46 years old. I have struggled with my weight since my mid 20's. I guess I struggled with my weight my entire life.. as a child.. as a teen and as an adult, but it wasn't until my 20's that I was no longer "a few pounds" over weight. Now I have reached over 300 lbs and wish I could go back to the day when I was freaking out when I reached 180 and thought "I'd NEVER let myself get any closer to 200 lbs" I would consider myself an Overeater and a Binge eater. I have not yet been to Overeaters Annymous but definitely looking into it. I figure with support from mfp and OA, reaching my goals should become a little bit easier :)


  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Hi :]
    I've found the community here really helpful in staying on track. Not only that, it's good to come here after a 'bad day' and see that I'm not alone and that others understand what I'm going through and feeling. I hope you find it useful here, there really is so much support on offer so take advantage.

    You can lose the weight you desire, I promise. It may seem daunting but you absolutely can. Perhaps before you embark on this 'journey', it might be an idea to seek counselling or any form of help to address your binge eating/relationship with food. I too had a strange relationship with food and only when I dealt with my relationship did I manage to maintain my losses.

    Good luck!