Are fat burning pills for me?



  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Playing devils advocate; there are pills that do work. However they are illegal, some are extremely and one of them in particular is a by product of making explosives.

    That being said a vegan green tablet will have no affect on your weight loss.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    When I started tracking on MFP the facility I work at received several samples of Hydroxycut, so we conducted an experiment and I took 2 pills in the morning and noon as directed. I followed the water intake recommendations as well. The only thing I noticed was a slight caffeine buzz (I'm a regular coffee drinker). There was no greater difference in weight loss or body fat % using this.

    If you notice all of these products use similar means of marketing and labeling. Bottom line if these products were as effective as they claim they would be regulated. The reason people claim effectivity is from the regimen they follow while on the medication - increase water intake provides a feeling of fullness, increased activity provides greater caloric burn, increased awareness of diet creates a potential of reduced caloric intake.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    When I started tracking on MFP the facility I work at received several samples of Hydroxycut, so we conducted an experiment and I took 2 pills in the morning and noon as directed. I followed the water intake recommendations as well. The only thing I noticed was a slight caffeine buzz (I'm a regular coffee drinker). There was no greater difference in weight loss or body fat % using this.

    If you notice all of these products use similar means of marketing and labeling. Bottom line if these products were as effective as they claim they would be regulated. The reason people claim effectivity is from the regimen they follow while on the medication - increase water intake provides a feeling of fullness, increased activity provides greater caloric burn, increased awareness of diet creates a potential of reduced caloric intake.

    What was the experiment? Did you have a control group? Perhaps an identical twin to compare against?
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    never tried them before.
    When i joined this site i was ready to lose weight by eating less and moving more.
    When you are ready you will do the same and get ideas of this silly products out of your head.
    I am cheap and also a sceptic. If all these magic potions worked we would have no large people walking around.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    When I started tracking on MFP the facility I work at received several samples of Hydroxycut, so we conducted an experiment and I took 2 pills in the morning and noon as directed. I followed the water intake recommendations as well. The only thing I noticed was a slight caffeine buzz (I'm a regular coffee drinker). There was no greater difference in weight loss or body fat % using this.

    If you notice all of these products use similar means of marketing and labeling. Bottom line if these products were as effective as they claim they would be regulated. The reason people claim effectivity is from the regimen they follow while on the medication - increase water intake provides a feeling of fullness, increased activity provides greater caloric burn, increased awareness of diet creates a potential of reduced caloric intake.

    What was the experiment? Did you have a control group? Perhaps an identical twin to compare against?

    N=12, unblinded, with 1 control group. Male/female 30-50/yrs in generally good health and 20-80 lbs over ideal weight as determined by BMI.

  • grob49
    grob49 Posts: 125 Member
    When I was competing in power lifting. I used carnitine to make weight. 2 tablets before breakfast 2 before my workout 2 after and 2 more before bed. I did this with a high protein low card diet. I could drop 10lbs in 2 weeks but that is with a hard workout and strict diet. Your better off just following a healthy diet and regular exercise.
  • AmberSpamber
    AmberSpamber Posts: 391 Member
    No. Take it from everyone here who has wasted their money. There is no quick fix. Change your diet. Exercise. Save your money.
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    grob49 wrote: »
    When I was competing in power lifting. I used carnitine to make weight. 2 tablets before breakfast 2 before my workout 2 after and 2 more before bed. I did this with a high protein low card diet. I could drop 10lbs in 2 weeks but that is with a hard workout and strict diet. Your better off just following a healthy diet and regular exercise.

    This might have had more to do with the strict diet and hard workout regime than the pills. I'm guessing.
  • messanayahh
    messanayahh Posts: 2 Member
    edited September 2016
    Eat servings instead of portions walking and excerise and try decreasing
    your sugar intake..try alternatives like honey and agave. Eating raw veggies and cutting carbs is helping me alot and as for cravings go ginger root and lemon tea seem to decrease my appeptite big time...and give me energy.But i think the best thing for weight loss is a will to lose and a positive attitude love yourself and dont give up..theres no magic pill to shed the me ive tried ..youll just waste your money on that stuff :|
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Eat servings instead of portions walking and excerise and try decreasing
    your sugar intake..try alternatives like honey and agave.
    Eating raw veggies and cutting carbs is helping me alot and as for cravings go ginger root and lemon tea seem to decrease my appeptite big time...and give me energy.But i think the best thing for weight loss is a will to lose and a positive attitude love yourself and dont give up..theres no magic pill to shed the me ive tried ..youll just waste your money on that stuff :|
    1) Sugar is sugar is sugar. There is no use replacing one type of sugar for another. They're not healthier than each other. All that is required for weight loss is a calorie deficit.
    2) Not necessary. All that is required for weight loss is a calorie deficit. It can be a way to achieve CICO, though, but not necessary.

    Everything else is cool, though.

  • jodidari
    jodidari Posts: 95 Member
    I can't lose weight easily, my doctor has been monitoring me for over two years and realized it's hormone related. I've had bad experiences with various pills to correct this after trying various diet plans and exercise plans (i lose few but re-gain more while still on the plans). He recommended Hydroxycut so i'll try next year
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    jodidari wrote: »
    I can't lose weight easily, my doctor has been monitoring me for over two years and realized it's hormone related. I've had bad experiences with various pills to correct this after trying various diet plans and exercise plans (i lose few but re-gain more while still on the plans). He recommended Hydroxycut so i'll try next year

    I'm surprised to read that your doctor recommended Hydroxycut.

    Hormone problems affect your appetite. But if you count calories and ignore your appetite you can lose weight. Of course ignoring your appetite day in and day out is no small thing. But if you are determined enough, you can do it. Best of luck.

  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    I take fish oil daily and CLA. I take both to A) Help my heart and cardiovascular system and B) to help burn fat/keep my arteries in good shape. The CLA is reported to help reduce fat and increase muscle but the jury is out, I use it to help my arteries (which I figured were half clogged from years of being obese) clear and to help them recover.

    What's CLA?


  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited December 2016
    no.....dont you htink if there was a such thing as fat burning pills wed all be skinny... Fix your mindset. come back when your ready to work for it.
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    grmckenzie wrote: »
    I take fish oil daily and CLA. I take both to A) Help my heart and cardiovascular system and B) to help burn fat/keep my arteries in good shape. The CLA is reported to help reduce fat and increase muscle but the jury is out, I use it to help my arteries (which I figured were half clogged from years of being obese) clear and to help them recover.

    What's CLA?

  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    In for no.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    I do hear very good things about Ali and it's the only over the counter drug, regulated and approved by the FDA. It doesn't burn fat however, it blocks some of the fat the user ingests. Also... I don't put much faith in the FDA so I only believe about half of what they claim. I also hear very good things about Belivq but again, it's not meant as a fat burner but a fat blocker. You would need a prescription for that one from your medical doctor.

    Read this before you decide to take Alli:

    That thread never gets old, and is a great deterrent for me at least, from ever considering taking anything like that. All kinds of nope..
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    I do hear very good things about Ali and it's the only over the counter drug, regulated and approved by the FDA. It doesn't burn fat however, it blocks some of the fat the user ingests. Also... I don't put much faith in the FDA so I only believe about half of what they claim. I also hear very good things about Belivq but again, it's not meant as a fat burner but a fat blocker. You would need a prescription for that one from your medical doctor.

    Read this before you decide to take Alli:

    That thread never gets old, and is a great deterrent for me at least, from ever considering taking anything like that. All kinds of nope..
    If people still choose to take that after hearing all the people say no and the horror stories maybe they deserve it.

    Still feel bad for the people who don't know :D