Seeking Support!

Hi everyone!

I told myself if I could keep at this for two weeks, I would dive completely in and today was my 20th day logging in so better late than never!

I'm 22 year old female, recent college graduate and newlywed. I decided I wanted to take control of my health so I will feel better, and so I will be ready to start a family in a few years (I know obese people like me can have fertility trouble, pregnancy trouble, and trouble keeping up with kids, so I don't want that to happen!)

My highest weight was 303lb at 5'5". I am happy to report that in the last 20 days I have dropped to 293.4lb! Slow and steady and PERMANENT! I am done with crash diets, losing weight to quickly and unable to maintain the restrictions. This is a lifestyle change, and I am content with it. :)

Ideally, I would love to find a buddy of similar age, weight, etc to encourage and support each other with this journey. But I am open to different ages and weights as well! I just find it easier to discuss stuff with someone close to my size.

Feel free to message me or comment or whatever! I'm looking forward to becoming more active in the social side of the app :)


  • NicoleMichael62
    NicoleMichael62 Posts: 50 Member
    First of all, congrats on dropping the first 10 pounds!

    I am very much trying to get on the social side of this too and would love to be friend if you want. I am 28, with the mental age of an 18 year I started my fitness journey during the last week of June and started at 209lbs. I have been more than two months into it and have lost 17lbs so far.

    I know I am not exactly the same size, but feel free to add me as a friend if you want to talk. :)
  • CrescentVolf
    CrescentVolf Posts: 87 Member
    Yay! Would love to be friends :) Congrats on the progress so far! Already in Onederland!! Sounds like you're on a great track so far! Would love to help you stay on track and vice versa. Just added you :D
  • alc649
    alc649 Posts: 467 Member
    Hello! Great job girl. Slow and steady wins the race, I have to remind myself this all the time :) Please feel free to add me! I've been at it for about 104 days. started at 283, now at 265. We got this girl!!
  • NicoleMichael62
    NicoleMichael62 Posts: 50 Member
    I am definitely all for helping each other stay on track. It is early in the game so I could use all the help. :)
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    You have made fantastic progress and your positive attitude will help you reach your goal! Keep up the great work :)