Add Me - We Might Have Something In Common

LuckyMunky Posts: 200 Member
Hey everybody,

I've been on MFP for several months now and have found it to be a fantastic tool in getting healthier. I don't have many people on my friend's list because I was getting a lot of support from friends and family IRL. Unfortunately, it seems that the more fit I become, the more my friends don't want to socialize anymore. I have tried to keep my efforts to myself and do not post about it on facebook or other social media. In fact, I've been pretty darn quiet about the whole thing. Yet, my friends see me, and have decided that they no longer want to be with me. Is it jealousy? Insecurity? A bit of both? Heck, I don't know, and at this point I don't care.

So I'm looking for more friends. Here are some things about me that we might have in common:
I'm a Star Wars geek. A very, very big one. My husband and I named our baby after a SW character, we're that geeky. LOL
I'm a mom of two active little boys, one 3 year old and one baby.
I have fibromyalgia, which can make exercise difficult at times. I do what I can and won't criticize you for not being able to do something. I know all too well how hard it can be to balance chronic pain and health.
I still find time to play WoW and SWTOR, depending on my mood. I wish I could game more often but my time is a bit constricted :wink:
I love sci fi. It doesn't matter if it's hard or soft, I will watch and/or read it. My current favourite show is Firefly, but I also love Stargate (SG1) and V, before it ended. I read a lot of sci fi novels. My favourite author was Iaian M Banks. I shed a few tears when I heard of his death last month. No more Culture novels :sad:

Now that you've read my novel (thank you for doing that) please add me :laugh: I keep an open diary and will read yours. I will post helpful comments (NOT negative) and will support you in whatever way I can. If you think I'm drinking too much wine or eating too many fruit loops, you can let me know and I promise I won't be offended :flowerforyou: