2 months away from wedding

I started back in june running on my treadmill and had to stop because my shins were killing me....i ended up stopping because i couldn't run anymore through the pain...i have 2 months till my wedding and really would like 15lbs gone....any help on how to make this happen would be great. i really could use the support on this. thank you all!


  • stevesilk
    stevesilk Posts: 204 Member
    Back in April my daughter told me that she wanted me to wear my custom tux (from 1993) to her wedding July 27. Gulp. I was 222 and definitely several inches from fitting into the tux. Three months and 32 pounds later the tux is too big. My recommendation is to look at portion sizes and healthy eating. I ate often (6 times a day) but kept track of both amount and portions, and cut out several general items (Wheat, corn, caffeine, soy, diet cokes!!). Specifically, I followed the fast metabolism diet, but can certainly recommend several people/options here on MFP. The bottom line is that calorie intake is going to be the biggest impactor of your weight. If you include exercise as well, then you'll supercharge the process, but calories are where it's at as far as losing the 15. And you have more than enough time.
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    Diet is very important, but try to mix with exercise as your body shape can change without losing a pound! So if you can't run on the treadmill, do home DVD's, get a gym membership, or walk. The shin splints could have been caused by the shoes you were wearing. Remember if there is a will, there is a way to get it done! You can do this! Wedding planning is stressful, so try to plan your meals a day ahead, so you don't binge or eat when stressed. Keep an apple or some peanut butter crackers or similar snack in your purse so you can eat those when you are looking for convenience food.

    I would love to follow your progress and encourage you more, so feel free to add me! Good luck!
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Were you doing static and dynamic stretches before and after your runs? Shin splints are not uncommon and you can rub and stretch through them. Try googling the two stretches I mentioned above and watch some videos on it.

    Eating right and exercise will help you get close to where you want to be.

    Please, PLEASE stick with it after your wedding and do not go back to old lifestyles and unhealthy habits that got you to where you are. Personally, I think it is kind of crappy when a gal gets fit and healthy for her wedding day then lets everything go down hill from there. And it happens, time and time again.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Jillian Michaels DVDs (I suggest Hard Body and Extreme Shed and Shred) and watch your diet very carefully. I promise you will see changes if you stick to it!
  • leaellenj
    leaellenj Posts: 38
    There are lots of other activities you can do that will ease up on the pain in your shins. Biking is a good one, especially if you do it on a high gear/resistance. There are also plenty of DVDs and workouts on Youtube you can do in your own living room. I also love the rowing machine at the gym. I run almost daily but this works a different set of muscles and always kicks my butt.

    I definitely think you can and should work to recover from your shin splints, but I understand right now you may not feel like you have the time to rest. In the future if you haven't, get fit for a pair of running shoes at a specialty store. It's a little more of an investment but it definitely helps reduce injury.

    Good luck and congratulations!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Were you doing static and dynamic stretches before and after your runs? Shin splints are not uncommon and you can rub and stretch through them. Try googling the two stretches I mentioned above and watch some videos on it.

    Stretching before running is not recommended. You don't stretch cold muscles. A light warm up of some jumping jacks or walking can be done but really isn't necessary. Shin splints are caused by weak muscles and landing hard on your heels. Exercises so strength shin muscles and stretching after running will help as will proper footwear and paying attention to the way you land. You should be landing midfoot not heel striking.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Were you doing static and dynamic stretches before and after your runs? Shin splints are not uncommon and you can rub and stretch through them. Try googling the two stretches I mentioned above and watch some videos on it.

    Stretching before running is not recommended. You don't stretch cold muscles. A light warm up of some jumping jacks or walking can be done but really isn't necessary. Shin splints are caused by weak muscles and landing hard on your heels. Exercises so strength shin muscles and stretching after running will help as will proper footwear and paying attention to the way you land. You should be landing midfoot not heel striking.

    My sports medicine doctor would disagree with you. Dynamic stretches are moving stretches to prepare your body for exertion. I found that doing them before and after my runs were beneficial.

    I will agree that the proper shoe is one of the most important things for a runner. Being fitted with a shoe that is best for your body type and running style will change your world, as is wearing a shoe that is a size larger than your dress shoe.