Looking for friends who use both MyFitnessPal and FitBit


I just got my FitBit One about a week ago and I love it. I have a few friends, and I love doing the different challenges with friends. I would love to have some friends who use both MFP (MyFitnessPal) and FitBit so that I can be friends with them in both places. So if you love your FitBit and you use MFP daily, hit me up for a friend request. I'd love to be friends. Friend me on MFP here, and you can go to my FitBit profile to friend me on FitBit so we can challenge each other. My profile is http://www.fitbit.com/user/26VM9S ... If you have a hard time finding me on FitBit, drop me a PM here on MFP and I will send you my email for you to search by.

Cheers, and happy step counting :)
