Now what???



  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Kdiamond - thanks for the excellent advice. I checked out the link you sent, very useful. I'm gonna give the calorie cycling a go as well as trying to clea up my eating. As of now no sugar, no refined wheat, no processed foods, no snacks (not even WW ones). I'm not giving up:smile:
  • theartsymom
    1400 may be a little high. I'm 199 and eating 1200 a day. I'm losing at a pretty steady weight. I would just vary and see what works best.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    For the last month I've steadily gained a pound each week.

    I learned I was putting my body into starvation mode by eating too little, exercising excessively and not eating my exercise calories. I corrected this by increasing my calorie intack to the BMR recommendation of 1400 and I've started eating at least half of my exercise calories.

    Still nothing!!! Yes I've measured myself as well as weighed myself and no inch loss either. What do I do. I am sooooooo down about the whole this. I only want to lose 10-12lb. Please help. :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    I fully go with Funkyspunky's post, eating 1400 calories per day for you would be maintaining your weight, that is what you would need to eat once you reach your goal.
  • leakewh
    leakewh Posts: 91 Member
    Go to the doctor and get your thyroid checked.....
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    LotusFlowe - thank for your post. Going by MFP my maintainence calories are 1900 cals per day. 1400cals is how much I need to eat to lose 1lb per week. Also my BMR is 1400 and I know that I should eat below my BMR :smile: :smile: