Victory + a rant :-)

After 2 babies,pcos, 2 surgeries one for nerve damage,ruptured disc, and bone spur causing my legs to not function properly(all fixed now)and other for gallbladder removal..for the past 6 years in and out with MFP because I've never been able to do much more than physical therapy and light cardio so always tried to eat right and went back and forth between low carb and low calorie.i have never pushed physically as hard as I have this last 8 days. We started walking a handful of times a week the last 3/4 months.My husband and I bought bikes, a trailer for the kids and a jogging stroller last week.I feel free and healthy enough to do anything. This week we have biked about 15 miles and without realizing it till I added it up 25 miles of walking. We keep saying we'll take a day for a break but between it feeling so good to get out in the fresh air and afraid of feeling sore, we still are going strong. We may not be able to do this every week bc of schedules and kids but it's been a victory. It may seem excessive but it was not intended! Lol
My only issue is my PCOS I was diagnosed at age 13 and have always had issues and never been able to loose weight as I've gotten older. Since I was 21 I've never been able to stay under 200 lbs I'm 27 now. 215 lbs. yes I've seen Drs and tried everything over the years. But I CAN NOT LOOSE weight. So I'm saying screw it and just focusing on being healthy no matter the weight. So why is it that there is nothing but proof you take care of yourself people still judge!? I post one FB status about our victories and a family member says I'm glad you are keeping a food diary, and getting out there writing them down will help you be accountable for what you eat. Is there more I should be doing!? It's been an unsaid but known thing where my husbands family thinks I used my health issues over the years as an excuse. 1 we've lived in another state for the last 7 years 2 I've known them since I was 16 when my husband and I met and which I'm closer to them than my own family 3 I've always been more active than 90% of them. And then on the other hand you've got doctors that assume you are lazy and binge eat all day. Is there anyone in my shoes? I've gotten to the point in my life where I am all about body positivity I love my body even though it doesn't love me and screw anyone who can't accept me. but when people around you keep pulling you down it's human to find it hard to keep yourself up!!


  • lmr3722
    lmr3722 Posts: 3 Member
    What is PCOS?

    It is so difficult being surrounded by people who are not supportive. Not just regarding weight but in general as well. I've been feeling that way recently.

    I would recommend speaking to a nutritionist. My nutritionist is pretty great. She's worked with a few people in the fitness industry. I can get you her contact information if you're interested.
  • Mrsbusk
    Mrsbusk Posts: 20 Member
    It's polycystic ovarian syndrome. It's an endocrine disorder or hormone imbalance where your body creates too much of the androgen hormone(male hormones) causes irregular painful periods, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, ovarian cysts,acne, hair loss, infertility and abnormal hair growth.there is so many symptoms to name. Lol not every woman has every symptom and can show up in many ways. In my case I have most of them. I've gone to nutritionists,doctors, specialists, physical therapists, trainers, you name it. Lol. I've made the best of everything. I have an amazing supportive husband and I've been blessed with two beautiful girls. Everyday I try to do for others more than myself and the second I mention myself someone make me feel like I'm selfish!! :smile: ahh it's like I'm battling myself as much negativity I still try my best to be positive. Lol