What not to do to celebrate

I am a new mom to an almost 6 month old baby boy. When he hit the 4 month Mark, I decided to get off my bum and start losing the last of my baby weight and to set a good example for my son. Tomorrow is my 7 week mark with a loss of 20.2 pounds. How did I celebrate, you ask? By binge eating no bake cookies, crackers, cheese, and ranch. Am I happy about it? No, not really. Am I going to lose sleep over it? Probably not. But I am noticing that the last week or so, my drive has faltered. I'm addicted to sugary foods and can't have them in the house. I am at my folks house right now, and once I had one cookie, it was game over.... I guess I just needed to put it out there, that I faltered, and to let the universe know :-)


  • Katie_Y89
    Katie_Y89 Posts: 330 Member
    Go buy yourself something nice!! New dress, new outfit, shoes, anything like that!
    Even a spa day for yourself
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I refuse to have that stuff in the house. It is a trigger food for me.