Car journey and low kcal eating



  • ashleachrysafis
    We stop once - about 4 1/2 hours in and that's it. I tend to munch regularly in the car as it stops me feeling sick. I basically eating and sleeping is about me on a car journey lol. TBH I tend to over pack food but it's a bit of a comfort blanket for travelling =S. I will be sensible.
  • nicolaturner1986
    nicolaturner1986 Posts: 45 Member
    I know fruit can be a pain in the bum when travelling but what I do is take some little sandwich bags and when you finish and have a peel/core left pop it in a bag and seal it, then use a fresh one later, or you could chop it up and make a fruit salad and pop it in a container with a little bit of lemon/orange juice to stop it going brown? if you're in the UK, special K do some snacks called Biscuit Moments and they are 98 cals per 2 biscuits and they are really yummy x
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    fruits and vegetables, granola bars, string cheese, oyster crackers or animal crackers
  • melmckay99
    melmckay99 Posts: 358
    I'm a sweets person and also love somethign to snack on during long boring time stretches like driving....I would go for something like blueberries cause they are small and sweet so they last a long time if you eat just one at a time, and also satisfy my sweet tooth.
  • ashleachrysafis
    I'm a sweets person and also love somethign to snack on during long boring time stretches like driving....I would go for something like blueberries cause they are small and sweet so they last a long time if you eat just one at a time, and also satisfy my sweet tooth.

    Yeah good idea, I LOVE blueberries.
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    I just recently took a car trip that involved >20 hours of driving each way and going there we did not stop for meals or sleep, so a lot of picking going on. We packed an easy to access cooler with various fruits (apples, kiwi, bananas, strawberries), vegetables (carrots, celery, red cabbage, lettuce), and meats/dairy (jerky, roast, summer sausage, lunch meat, cheese). We also had a variety of Larabars, Kind bars, peanut butter crackers, and nuts/seeds. Meat and cheese wrapped with red cabbage made a surprisingly good meal that didn't drip all over the place while driving
  • ashleachrysafis
    I just recently took a car trip that involved >20 hours of driving each way and going there we did not stop for meals or sleep, so a lot of picking going on. We packed an easy to access cooler with various fruits (apples, kiwi, bananas, strawberries), vegetables (carrots, celery, red cabbage, lettuce), and meats/dairy (jerky, roast, summer sausage, lunch meat, cheese). We also had a variety of Larabars, Kind bars, peanut butter crackers, and nuts/seeds. Meat and cheese wrapped with red cabbage made a surprisingly good meal that didn't drip all over the place while driving

    hmmm... sounds like you've had a right little feast! YUMMY!! Not sure what Larabars, Kind bars, peanut butter crackers are or if they sell them in the UK?? I'm assuming they're american.
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    Hey guys. I'm off on a long car journey (has taken us between 9-13 hours in past). Normally we pick at sweets, chocolate, crisps, sandwiches, sausage rolls... You name it and its there. I want to try and be healthier this time (keeping to MFP as much as possible) and I was wondering if anyone had any good munch ideas? I still want to pick as everyone else will be but just healthier stuff (makes me feel less travel sick when I pick). We are leaving straight from my work so I will not have a break and will have my dinner in car - again to keep healthy I was thinking a proper dinner and maybe cous cous with roasted veg would be nice. Any ideas on picky enjoyable food that will keep in cars? Thanks already :).

    We're heading out this week too-2 days of driving each way, with a three day hotel stay in the middle. I don't have a clue how I'm going to do it, since every meal will be fast food, besides a fancy steakhouse rehearsal dinner and a Texas style wedding reception barbecue. Which will be lovely because I became a vegetarian last week :p. I may actually lose weight on this vacation, instead of gaining lol.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I pack a cooler with yogurt, cheese sticks, fruit, some sandwich meat and bread (you could get pita bread or wraps instead of bread).
  • ashleachrysafis
    We're heading out this week too-2 days of driving each way, with a three day hotel stay in the middle. I don't have a clue how I'm going to do it, since every meal will be fast food, besides a fancy steakhouse rehearsal dinner and a Texas style wedding reception barbecue. Which will be lovely because I became a vegetarian last week :p. I may actually lose weight on this vacation, instead of gaining lol.

    It's not easy is it... Hopefully you'll have got some good tips from this feed and it will benefit both of us. Vegetarian having that coming up?? That's willpower, well done! Saying that my sister became a veggie the day after having the biggest mixed grill lol. Bless her.