New and looking for friends to stay motivated!

I'm a 23 year old senior in college starting the journey to a healthier and happier me! I am wanting to lose 40 lbs. I think having friends on here will help keep me motivated! Feel free to add me! :)


  • bb_bash16
    bb_bash16 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Miles,
    I am happy about your journey, and I do think it would really be beneficial if you have some friends around here to exchange thoughts and tips about losing weight :) I would certainly love to add you up as my friend.

    Bryan :)
  • milehighsass
    milehighsass Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks for the add Bryan!
  • jbgutierrez979
    jbgutierrez979 Posts: 4 Member
    I just graduated grad school, it's good you are starting your senior year! Good luck!
  • kristenmeleniak
    kristenmeleniak Posts: 46 Member
    We are basically in the same boat. Haha I am also 23, finishing college, and looking to lose 40 lbs!
    :) Add me if you want to support eachother