Do you hide your gym success?



  • brialger
    brialger Posts: 41 Member
    I keep to myself unless other people ask simply because I do it for myself, because I like how it makes me feel not for the approval of others. However, I admit I do feel uncomfortable when people ask me my exact fitness and nutrition routines.
  • neldabg
    neldabg Posts: 1,452 Member

    Any one else keeping their fitness goals and progress to themselves? Why?

    I hide it to keep the subject off my weight, their diet suggestions and to preempt their sabotage attempts and not wanting to deal with their jealousy/accusations that I'm bragging.

    But at this point, I'm wondering if they should see it (because I doubt they think I can do this). At this point, I don't mention when I get a new car, meet famous people, go on special events, get gifts or do entreprenual projects. I sound boring because I don't let people know what I'm doing! Because then I have to deal with their issues!

    What say you, fellow fitness pals?

    synchkat wrote: »
    I don't tell people because I figure they don't care.
    If someone is asking specifically: "Hey, what does your work out routine look like?" then I would share since they've asked and seem interested.

    Otherwise, no...I don't just offer the info up.
    Most people DONT care. If they did, they'd ask for specifics.

    For these reasons.
    I was never one to post a million fitness updates on social media, but I used to talk to close family and friends in real life about my weight management-related goals whenever the subject of health came up. I learned the hard way that their eyes either sort of glazed over in an I'm-not-really-interested-in-the-details kind of way, or, in the case that they were heavier than me, they seemed uncomfortable.
    I really enjoy talking about health and fitness, but very few people care about my health, much less their OWN health.
    I don't mind too much, though. Sometimes, people have a way of saying or doing things that somehow ruin the fun of my goals.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Yep I only share on my MFP feed, lol. Nobody cares, unless they're into that stuff too.
  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member

    neldabg wrote: »

    Any one else keeping their fitness goals and progress to themselves? Why?

    I hide it to keep the subject off my weight, their diet suggestions and to preempt their sabotage attempts and not wanting to deal with their jealousy/accusations that I'm bragging.

    But at this point, I'm wondering if they should see it (because I doubt they think I can do this). At this point, I don't mention when I get a new car, meet famous people, go on special events, get gifts or do entreprenual projects. I sound boring because I don't let people know what I'm doing! Because then I have to deal with their issues!

    What say you, fellow fitness pals?

    synchkat wrote: »
    I don't tell people because I figure they don't care.
    If someone is asking specifically: "Hey, what does your work out routine look like?" then I would share since they've asked and seem interested.

    Otherwise, no...I don't just offer the info up.
    Most people DONT care. If they did, they'd ask for specifics.

    For these reasons.
    I was never one to post a million fitness updates on social media, but I used to talk to close family and friends in real life about my weight management-related goals whenever the subject of health came up. I learned the hard way that their eyes either sort of glazed over in an I'm-not-really-interested-in-the-details kind of way, or, in the case that they were heavier than me, they seemed uncomfortable.
    I really enjoy talking about health and fitness, but very few people care about my health, much less their OWN health.
    I don't mind too much, though. Sometimes, people have a way of saying or doing things that somehow ruin the fun of my goals.

    Sometimes I want to show them, "look what I can do!"

    Because they only believe what they see. No way do they think I'm that fit. But then, what you said.

    Gabby Douglas didn't get a chance to celebrate her medal before people and their mean comments had her in tears.

    What ever happened to being able to bask in the glory? Maybe that was never really a thing, lol!

  • melmelw03
    melmelw03 Posts: 5,332 Member
    That's why I have MFP. No one IRL gives two *kitten* what I ate or about my workouts. It used to be a thing on facebook where people would constantly post their gym check ins, I don't see that too much anymore. But damn if people post their freaking flavors of breakfast herbalife shakes! Annoying AF.
  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    I hide my gym failures in baggy clothes and lies.

  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    I tell some people and not others based on my relationship with the person. I am more likely to tell people that I am closer too and generally more open with in discussing my private life. I am also more likely to tell people who I feel like are in a similar position to me/have similar goals.

    In general I don't think there is anything wrong with people keeping this information private or sharing it as they choose in the appropriate setting.
    I hide it to keep the subject off my weight, their diet suggestions and to preempt their sabotage attempts and not wanting to deal with their jealousy/accusations that I'm bragging.

    But at this point, I'm wondering if they should see it (because I doubt they think I can do this).

    These are very valid reasons, but you do have reason to believe that is how the discussion would evolve? Have you had experiences with these people to make you think talking about your fitness would turn to them talking about your weight and diet, and attempting to sabotage you? Is it important to you that they know about your fitness abilities? I don't ask these questions as an attack but simply out of curiosity since these are experiences I have thankfully never had. While I know many people on here have had these kinds of negative interactions, I never have. When I talk with others about my workouts and fitness, the conversation stays with those topics; it only changes to weight and diet if I make it about that. And I personally have never had anyone try to sabotage my efforts.
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    I also don't bother because there are only so many ways can you answer the "why are you working out so much you don't need to you look fine". Perhaps I like being healthy or I like seeing how far I can push myself.

    I just never talk about my true fitness love with my husband because he just thinks that's super silly probably why he's happy I'm running so that I don't talk about skating
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    I am very generic when I talk about my gym success. That is what I use this forum for, I think we all understand and are generally accepting to hear about your success, because it is a common interest. I do have some friends that I run with and we always share our successes with each's our Sole Sister group and we all love hearing about our awesome runs and our crappy ones. We are there to support each other. At work, they just know that I love to workout, run, cycle and if they ask specifics I will not hide it, but I don't come in the next day and say you should see what I benched last nigh.

    Feel free to friend me and share your successes with me...I will encourage you all the way!!!
  • PowerMan40
    PowerMan40 Posts: 766 Member
    With the kids and my coach Ill talk about gym and working out, but most people I run into not. Its just none of their business. If they ask, and are genuinely interested, I don't mind talking to them, about it, but not specifics, or what I do, or my goals.
  • musclegood_fatbad
    musclegood_fatbad Posts: 9,809 Member
    I only tell people on here and even that is not that often.
  • badchinesemajor
    badchinesemajor Posts: 33 Member
    I mostly want nobody in real life to know what I'm doing until next summer when I'm randomly somewhere without my shirt on like, "What do mean? I've always had abs...."
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I think it would be weird if you just walked up to someone like, "hey...I bench X" or whatever...pretty sure if they cared, they would ask. Most of my friends know that I go the gym and cycle...I don't think they much care about how much I'm doing on a particular lift or how much time I've cut off of my 20K time trial...the only people that care about that are my trainer and his wife.
  • camihaas1
    camihaas1 Posts: 4 Member
    I have a small circle of friends (3 people) that I work out with every day, but beyond that I don't really tell people. My friends that I gym with know ALL about my routine and I know all about theirs because we do it together and set a calendar. I find that they are a really great outlet for that stuff. I find it kind of embarrassing that I needed to lose as much weight as I had, so I don't really tell other people. Although, I do post a self indulgent transformation picture every so often (im talking after I lost 45 lbs). I find that talking to a few people about my goals keeps me accountable, but making sure its the right people is key.
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    Everyone I know, knows that I am a fitness enthusiast, and I am at the gym 5-6 days per week. I can talk to my husband or son about my workouts. But I tend to not talk to anyone else about it mainly to avoid wanting to punch people in the throat repeatedly. I am even to the point to when someone asks me about it I give a vague answer and then let them do most of the talking (while I bite my tongue the whole time). I have spent years in the gym, countless hours reading up on fitness and nutrition but I find that most people don't want to hear what really works. I gave up trying to explain it to people because they only want to hear that there is a magic pill or that it isn't hard work.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    I only tell people when they ask, and because I'm a bigger guy when ever there are drunk guys they always like to ask me what I can bench for some reason, they don't really care about what else I can lift.
  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    puffbrat wrote: »
    I tell some people and not others based on my relationship with the person. I am more likely to tell people that I am closer too and generally more open with in discussing my private life. I am also more likely to tell people who I feel like are in a similar position to me/have similar goals.

    In general I don't think there is anything wrong with people keeping this information private or sharing it as they choose in the appropriate setting.
    I hide it to keep the subject off my weight, their diet suggestions and to preempt their sabotage attempts and not wanting to deal with their jealousy/accusations that I'm bragging.

    But at this point, I'm wondering if they should see it (because I doubt they think I can do this).

    These are very valid reasons, but you do have reason to believe that is how the discussion would evolve? Have you had experiences with these people to make you think talking about your fitness would turn to them talking about your weight and diet, and attempting to sabotage you? Is it important to you that they know about your fitness abilities? I don't ask these questions as an attack but simply out of curiosity since these are experiences I have thankfully never had. While I know many people on here have had these kinds of negative interactions, I never have. When I talk with others about my workouts and fitness, the conversation stays with those topics; it only changes to weight and diet if I make it about that. And I personally have never had anyone try to sabotage my efforts.

    Whoever you have close to you, keep them.
  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    bagge72 wrote: »
    I only tell people when they ask, and because I'm a bigger guy when ever there are drunk guys they always like to ask me what I can bench for some reason, they don't really care about what else I can lift.

    How much do you bench?
  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    Everyone I know, knows that I am a fitness enthusiast, and I am at the gym 5-6 days per week. I can talk to my husband or son about my workouts. But I tend to not talk to anyone else about it mainly to avoid wanting to punch people in the throat repeatedly. I am even to the point to when someone asks me about it I give a vague answer and then let them do most of the talking (while I bite my tongue the whole time). I have spent years in the gym, countless hours reading up on fitness and nutrition but I find that most people don't want to hear what really works. I gave up trying to explain it to people because they only want to hear that there is a magic pill or that it isn't hard work.

    First thought, Lol. Second thought, Hangry.
