Recipes for veggies and meats!

Need help on recipes for meat and veggies. I really don't like veggies but I know I need them. Does anyone have a recipe for a smoothie that has all servings of fruit and veggies I need in one day in a smoothie? If I can id rather drink them I hate eating them they are nasty to me. I like carrots but the only way I like them is if they are cooked with a roast. NEED HELP plz on recipes I get bored with the same thing! what do all of you eat to lose weight??!


  • DisneyDude85
    DisneyDude85 Posts: 428 Member
    I eat what I want to eat, in moderation. Unfortunately I don't have any smoothie recipes, but there is a whole Recipe section on the boards. You may want to check there :) Also, lots of recipe sites out there to find what you are looking for.

    I started building on my veggie tolerance by trying something new once a week, things that I never thought I would have eaten, let alone enjoy. And if you don't like them in one recipe, try them in another that has a different flavor profile!
  • Sarah_Shapes_Up
    Sarah_Shapes_Up Posts: 76 Member
    Banana+PB+spinach... lots of spinach...+what ever you want+milk/water+ice