Heel spurs make workouts a pain!!

Hi everyone! Im just wondering what some you do about heel spurs with workouts. I try my best to get good shoes (within my budget) and i use heel cups as the Dr. recommended. I work out for about an hour to an hour and a half, 4-5 times weekly. This workout usually involves strength training then cardio afterwards for no more than 30 minutes...this is the problem. I KNOW I could handle more cardio and want to, but after 15 minutes on the elliptical or arc trainer (even less on the treadmill) my heels are flaring up and burning no matter what I do. Any ideas? Shoe recommendations? Im sure this has all been talked about but things change daily in the fitness and health world. Help! This is really cutting into my workouts. Is it even worth it to try and add more cardio? I know strength training is truly where is at but cardio feels excellent afterward and I hate to completely cut it out just because of some spurs. I appreciate any suggestions! :smile: