Is your diet boring?

This is a real question -- for those of you who are actively losing weight and have stuck with it for a long your diet boring? Are you eating the same things over and over? I feel like I get stuck because I can healthy for a little while and then I get super bored of the same foods all the time. I try to find new healthy recipes and try new foods but I always end up getting bored and then giving up for a giant bowl of spaghetti.

I have a couple of different friends who are both in amazing shape and spend a lot of time on their overall health but I see them eating the same things all the time.

Is this the habit of a healthy person? Do I need to just get on board with the boredom?


  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Boring food is bad, why would anyone do all means change it up, and there are always ways to tweak your favorite foods to fit them food tends to go in phases depending on what I'm craving at any given point in lately it's been eggs and guacamole...before that it was toast smothered in butter or peanut butter...and before that it was any and every sauce on top of zucchini should always be yummy, otherwise, why eat???
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I am currently maintaining, but counting calories still.

    I eat different things all the time because I love to try new things and I can be easily bored by repeating meals over long periods of time. I just make sure to log the calories. I know there are some studies that show that thinner people do tend to repeat meals, but I think you can lose/maintain weight while eating different things as long as you continue to monitor your calorie intake.

    Are you limiting your idea of "healthy foods" too much and trying to cut too much from your diet. Sometimes I want some pasta (or whatever) and I just plan for it and log the calories. Any way of eating that you can only sustain for a little while is probably too limited for your tastes and your life.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    edited September 2016
    This is a real question -- for those of you who are actively losing weight and have stuck with it for a long your diet boring? Are you eating the same things over and over? I feel like I get stuck because I can healthy for a little while and then I get super bored of the same foods all the time. I try to find new healthy recipes and try new foods but I always end up getting bored and then giving up for a giant bowl of spaghetti.

    I have a couple of different friends who are both in amazing shape and spend a lot of time on their overall health but I see them eating the same things all the time.

    Is this the habit of a healthy person? Do I need to just get on board with the boredom?

    Not at all...variety is the spice of life...and I love to cook.

    And there's nothing inherently unhealthy about a bowl of spaghetti either...had some the other night.

    I also have a couple of friends who spend a lot of time on their health and their fitness...they do pretty much eat the same things routinely...largely due to their inability to cook and/or lack of interest in cooking and preparing meals.
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    I used to have issues like this. I had to expand my palate and constantly rotate. Instead of eating hardboiled eggs every morning forever and ever and ever..., I mix it up now with overnight oats, or a homemade mcmuffin. I then accommodate the extra breakfast calories by switching up dinner for a salad instead of something calorie heavy.

    I don't substitute spaghetti with zucchini noodles or anything like that. If anything, I now enjoy going to the store and picking out new fancy cheeses or looking for new ways to dress up vegetables either by seasoning or dressing. If you stick with the same food every day, you'll get bored, and you'll want to quit. I'm a former quitter (lol) and it took looking at food a lot differently to finally "get it".
  • abetterluke
    abetterluke Posts: 625 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    This is a real question -- for those of you who are actively losing weight and have stuck with it for a long your diet boring? Are you eating the same things over and over? I feel like I get stuck because I can healthy for a little while and then I get super bored of the same foods all the time. I try to find new healthy recipes and try new foods but I always end up getting bored and then giving up for a giant bowl of spaghetti.

    I have a couple of different friends who are both in amazing shape and spend a lot of time on their overall health but I see them eating the same things all the time.

    Is this the habit of a healthy person? Do I need to just get on board with the boredom?

    Not at all...variety is the spice of life...

    And there's nothing inherently unhealthy about a bowl of spaghetti either...had some the other night.

    I also have a couple of friends who spend a lot of time on their health and their fitness...they do pretty much eat the same things routinely...largely due to their inability to cook and/or lack of interest in cooking and preparing meals.

    In all fairness a "bowl of spaghetti" for me is generally about 3x the size it should be, drenched in butter (like enough to leave a serious puddle at the bottom) and then covered in half a block of cheese.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    the problem is not the spaghetti - the problem is '3x the size it should be'

    toppings sound yummy, but maybe control portion size?

    You could have that meal for dinner, breakfast, and lunch if you only ate 1/3 each time - love cold spaghetti for breakfast, yum
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    This is a real question -- for those of you who are actively losing weight and have stuck with it for a long your diet boring? Are you eating the same things over and over? I feel like I get stuck because I can healthy for a little while and then I get super bored of the same foods all the time. I try to find new healthy recipes and try new foods but I always end up getting bored and then giving up for a giant bowl of spaghetti.

    I have a couple of different friends who are both in amazing shape and spend a lot of time on their overall health but I see them eating the same things all the time.

    Is this the habit of a healthy person? Do I need to just get on board with the boredom?

    Not at all...variety is the spice of life...

    And there's nothing inherently unhealthy about a bowl of spaghetti either...had some the other night.

    I also have a couple of friends who spend a lot of time on their health and their fitness...they do pretty much eat the same things routinely...largely due to their inability to cook and/or lack of interest in cooking and preparing meals.

    In all fairness a "bowl of spaghetti" for me is generally about 3x the size it should be, drenched in butter (like enough to leave a serious puddle at the bottom) and then covered in half a block of cheese.

    Yeah, that's not good...but that also doesn't mean that eating healthfully has to be boring and bland. Likely your friends are the same as mine...they have little ability nor do they have the interest in cooking. My friends in particular look at food as fuel, plain and's boring as hell...but I'm pretty healthy and fit and cook all kinds of awesomeness...and eat it in appropriate portions.
  • abetterluke
    abetterluke Posts: 625 Member
    the problem is not the spaghetti - the problem is '3x the size it should be'

    Point taken
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    edited September 2016
    Not boring for me. I eat all foods in moderation in the proper serving sizes. While I would love 3x servings of spaghetti, I know I cannot afford it calorie wise so I eat 1x serving of spaghetti with marinara and some vegetables topped with a serving of shredded cheese. Making it filling and delicious is the secret for me.
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    I eat pretty much everything I enjoy, I just don't eat too much of it. And I exercise a lot more than I used to. It's all about calories in vs calories out. No magic shopping lists.
  • mom22dogs
    mom22dogs Posts: 470 Member
    edited September 2016
    I basically eat the same things all the time and frankly, I don't find it boring. I like what I eat. Chicken and fish, occasionally pork, and a variety of veggies. Rice or beans for the carbs. It's easy, easy to pre-make and I don't spend an hour cooking every night. But then I'm disabled, so the easier to prep the better for me, and I'm single.
  • ThatUserNameIsAllReadyTaken
    ThatUserNameIsAllReadyTaken Posts: 1,530 Member
    edited September 2016
    I do eat a variety of food and so I don't find it boring.I find eating to be more of a chore all the time. I feel it has become work with weighing, measuring, and logging everything all the time. This is what is usually my ruin I admit. I try to minimize this if I can. For example when I make something and I know I will be having it again the next day I will measure out two portions and put one aside that way I only have to grab it and eat instead of going to extra trouble. However even though I state that I put something aside and not to touch it my husband pretty much always eats my measured portion instead of getting his own. Also I try to log as many items for the day at one time if I know in the morning what I will be having that day.
  • fr33sia12
    fr33sia12 Posts: 1,258 Member
    I eat healthily and don't get bored. I eat a lot of the same things and try new foods too. I think if you eat foods you enjoy you won't get bored.
  • JessicaB523
    JessicaB523 Posts: 70 Member
    edited September 2016
    I hate cooking, so I tend to eat the same easy meals a lot. Personal preference, I don't see it as boring.

    Edit to add: I also have a few medical things that certain foods help or hinder, so that can be incentive for me to keep things "boring".
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    edited September 2016
    It's not for me....I do eat a lot of the same thing for simplicity's sake...but I have a fairly high tolerance for that. I do get bored occasionally, so when I do, I just do some research and introduce new things! A lot of it for me is that I'm super busy, so I need to be able to smoothly incorporate a healthy diet into my life, without a lot of extra consideration and time, which leads to me grabbing the same things over and over again.
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    My woe is far from boring. Eggs, meat, fish, veg, stuffed peppers. Bolognese. Chilli. Salads with dressing. Taco. Burritos. Omelettes. Smoked salmon and scrambled eggs. Burgers. Meatballs. The list goes on.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Most people have their favorites and tend to stick to those. What you perceive as boring, may not be boring to the person who is eating it.

    I know I can't stay on a diet that I find boring. I can eat like that for a while and lose weight, as long as it isn't tasting like *kitten*, but the lack of taste and freedom of choice, and very very possibly lots of nutrition, made me "fail" time and time again, even though I followed a diet that purportedly was just "healthy, normal, everyday food" (no healthy, normal people eat like that :# ).

    This time around, with MFP, I have aimed for pleasure and health. Those are not opposites. I have found that real, normal, tradtional food and ordinary recipes is not just good enough, but much better than any "diet" food or "skinny" recipe. It's just about portion control. As I have lost weight and got used to smaller portions, normal portions are, well, normal. I neither can nor want to eat all the time anymore, or eat past "stop!". I also enjoy getting really hungry before meals, eating only at meals, and looking forward to meals. That would be absurd if my meals weren't something to look forward to.
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,140 Member
    I think some could look at what I eat and think it is boring, but I typically only eat food that I like.

    I tend to make food in batches and then eat them for the whole week (unless I opt to freeze some portions for later). For example, had a hankering for chili, so made some, but it makes enough for 6 servings. So, I can either eat it every day for a meal all week or I can freeze some of it. Usually by the end of the week I am sometimes bored with eating it, so I don't make more until I get another hankering for it in a few weeks/months. Spaghetti sauce is something else I make in large batches, but I typically freeze some portions.

    I also think that sometimes you hit on formulas of eating that seem to work well, so you just eat those things over and over as needed since it's just easier. For me, it just depends on my schedule and if I have time to be more creative. I do have a couple of 'go to' meals that I will use if I'm short on time, or don't feel like being creative - steamed garlic and lemon mahi mahi with steamed corn on the cob is one of my favorite meals. Super simple and easy.

    I try to keep granny smith apples and berries around to snack on, and you'll see me eating them a lot. I also love sticks of cheese for snacking. Since I eat these things over and over, some might find it boring, but I love them, so they are treat for me every time. I do keep carrot sticks/chips around too for snacking, but I'm more of a fruit lover than a veggie lover. But I also sometimes work in normal potato chips into my intake for the day if that is what I really want. I also have beef jerky on hand if I want a mini-protein fix. It's not about limiting the types of food as much as it is about determining how much of it you can fit into your goals for the day.

    You can eat boring, but it gets...well, boring...and isn't going to be sustainable over the long term. Or you can figure out how to make delicious meals/snacks that fit into your calorie limitations and macros. Will you have to make substitutions for some of your favorites? Maybe, depends on what your goals are.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    There are very few things i don't eat. It never needs to be boring. I don't do 'diet' or 'light', and nothing is off limits. I eat what I like, and fit it (roughly) within my calorie goals. If it was boring or gross or super repetitive i couldn't stick with it.