
Hi everybody! I am Christina! I began getting more proactive about my health about 2 years ago. So far, I have lost 60 pounds with another 60 to go. I have the exercise part down but my discipline with food has been up and down. Anyways, I am happy to join the community! ☺☺


  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Great progress - well done! :)
  • TequilaBlaize
    TequilaBlaize Posts: 3 Member
    Congratulations. Doing good so far! I'm the opposite. I can get my eating under control but I struggle to motivate myself to do excercise. You got anything with food I can maybe help with and you can advise on excercise?
  • Carlos0690
    Carlos0690 Posts: 417 Member
    Well done keep the good work up !