Losing Weight Isn't Your Goal.



  • frankiesgirlie
    frankiesgirlie Posts: 669 Member
    I understand both camps but weighing daily, or at least several times a week and tracking it on happy scale has been a game changer for me, because I don't sweat the 3 lb swing any more.
    I know it's gonna fluctuate.

    But for me the biggest motivator has been a photo diary. I've taken a photo in a bathing suit since I started on MFP a little over a year ago. I find that to be extremely motivational because you see yourself every day in the mirror and don't notice changes, but the photos don't lie!!

    Plus I suck at measuring myself(left hand thing I think) and I lift weights now, so I know the number on the scale is not the "end all". Continued improvement in body shape and fitness level is what I'm looking for.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    When I tried to rely on how my clothes fit as a sign of progress, I got discouraged when after several MONTHS there was no change to the way they fit. Weighing regularly allowed me to see incremental change. It took 35 lbs before I was definitely down one dress size. Weighing often helps me maintain my discipline and not give up.
  • Tisa76
    Tisa76 Posts: 86 Member
    @Dano74 - In your experience, is it normal to not lose or even gain in the first few weeks of starting a weight loss / work out plan? I have over 100 lbs. to lose and started really cleaning up my diet about 3 weeks ago. I lost 8.9 lbs so far. But this week I hit the gym for the first time in about 6 months. I have kept my calories between 1200-1600 per day and drink at least 1 gallon of water/day. I strength trained for two days, cardio for two days, yoga for one day. Got on the scale and I gained .5 pounds from last week. Very disheartening, to say the least. Is this possibly temporary water gain from the increased activity? Any thoughts/advice are welcome.
  • rebel_26
    rebel_26 Posts: 1,826 Member
    .5 lbs is nothing and likely water. Are you using same scale and same conditions (IE time of day etc) Also in tracking calories are you using real data or MFP data? I have seen huge issues in some of the food entries in the app.
  • Tisa76
    Tisa76 Posts: 86 Member
    edited September 2016
    @rebel_26 I do weigh on the same scale/conditions. I weigh once a week, first thing in the AM. I do use the food tracker on MFP but I get 90% of my meals through a meal prep company, so I can only assume that the calories/macros they are giving me are accurate. The company I get them through is listed in the MFP food data base so I just select the particular meals I'm eating for that day, etc. The meals I eat on my own are usually a bulked up protein shake (protein, 1/2 banana, PB2, coconut milk). I'm hoping that this week was just a fluke! I took my measurements at the beginning of this first week back at the gym, so I will stay the course and see what the tape measure says in a month. And try to not let the scale psych me out in the meantime. Lol
  • jessiferrrb
    jessiferrrb Posts: 1,758 Member
    Tisa76 wrote: »
    @Dano74 - In your experience, is it normal to not lose or even gain in the first few weeks of starting a weight loss / work out plan? I have over 100 lbs. to lose and started really cleaning up my diet about 3 weeks ago. I lost 8.9 lbs so far. But this week I hit the gym for the first time in about 6 months. I have kept my calories between 1200-1600 per day and drink at least 1 gallon of water/day. I strength trained for two days, cardio for two days, yoga for one day. Got on the scale and I gained .5 pounds from last week. Very disheartening, to say the least. Is this possibly temporary water gain from the increased activity? Any thoughts/advice are welcome.

    this is most likely water weight from an increase in activity. it can last for weeks, so don't get discouraged. especially with strength training, you're going to retain water to help repair tiny muscle tears.
  • Tisa76
    Tisa76 Posts: 86 Member
    @jessiferrrb That's what I'm hoping...just a minor fluctuation from my body saying WTF are you doing to me? Lol I guess I just figured since I have so much to lose that I wouldn't see a weight gain so early in my journey. I'm going to keep going and to hell with what the scale says for now. Thanks for the input!