Eating all calories?

Hi All,

When logging my food - with exercise points - I still have about 600 calories to consume for the day. Myfitness pal put me at 1200 calories and I have earned 150 through exercise points today. I just ate dinner and I am so full. There is no way I am going to consume another 600 calories by the end of the night. I plan on having a snack around 8:00. Is this really bad to be that under every now and again? I didn't eat breakfast this morning b/c I kind slept in lol - so that counts for some of the missing calories.


  • disneyfetishboy
    disneyfetishboy Posts: 65 Member
    I recently talked to a Dietician about this, and she recommended that:

    1) There's no hard and fast rule as far as "eating back your calories" . . . but a good rule of thumb is not to let yourself go hungry.

    2) If you ARE hungry . . . try to eat back your exercise calories immediately after working out.
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    This is just my personal experience. I try to eat what I earn in exercise calories since that's when I notice the weight loss. There are times I sleep in on off-work days and may not eat b-fast until lunch time, in which case it's lunch and then I eat dinner & a snack and stay under cal count. Though make sure you log any alcoholic beverage since those empty calories count too (I have 1 or 2 glasses of wine and my cal count goes up to where it needs to be).
    Once in a while to not eat all your cals is not going to have much effect; if you do it constantly though you might "shock" your body into starvation mode in which case your body will hold on to everything it can & not give it up too easily!:tongue: