500 miles of Autumn (a walking challenge by everbeard)

UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
So tomorrow I'm starting a 500 mile walking challenge for the Autumn Season.

I try to walk 150 to 200 miles every month and I guess I'm just looking for some company now.

These can be indoor and/or outdoor miles. I try to do about half and half.

I also only count workout/exercise miles in my totals. I don't count miles that I would be taking anyways. But just do whatever makes you happy. :)

See you in the fall :)


  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    Cool! Just curious, do you do a lot of hiking, or walking around parks and what not?
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    I really just walk around my part of the city for my outdoor miles. My main route is exactly 5 miles (doing two laps) and it takes about 80-85 minutes to complete. I have another more scenic route that's 3.5 miles but I only do that maybe once every couple of weeks. :)
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    edited September 2016
    Day 01/90

    5 miles indoor (75 min) + 5 miles outdoor (85 min) = 10 miles total

    Total Autumn Miles Walked = 10/500

    - "Miracle Miles" 5 mile walk video was used for indoor miles
    - Oasis/Beady Eye for outdoor walking tunes
    - SW this morning was 237.8
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
  • CeliaGeorge1952
    CeliaGeorge1952 Posts: 25 Member
    I would love to join you - my goal could be 500 miles between today and end of year (December 31). Is that what you mean? I am RABID about my distance! Let me know more about this - this sounds great!
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    I'm trying to be done by the first day of winter (Dec 21st). So 90 days starting yesterday. But the end of the year is a fine goal and a great idea too. :)

    Not much to say really. I do indoor and outdoor miles. I always map the route I take outside using apps so I know close to the exact miles I've gone. My indoor miles come from various walking videos. I love to walk.

    I hope you join me and I support whatever ending date you choose. :)
  • Count me in too.
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    Day 06/90

    5 miles indoor (75 min) + 0 miles outdoor (0 min) = 5 miles total

    Total Autumn Miles Walked = 15/500

    - "Miracle Miles" 5 mile walk video was used for indoor miles
  • Maryann8purple
    Maryann8purple Posts: 3 Member
    I want to join you. I usually walk about 3-4 miles each day. Takes me about 80 minutes at 2.6 mph on an indoor track. I walked 9 miles on two days last week. Count me in.
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    Great... Welcome Maryann :)
  • Kati9408
    Kati9408 Posts: 67 Member
    I am in. 10 km run today checked. I really need to increase my mileage (it is hard when you only can run on a stadium tho)
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    Day 07/90

    8 miles indoor (120 min) + 0 miles outdoor (0 min) = 8 miles total

    Total Autumn Miles Walked = 23/500

    - "Boosted Miles" 5 mile walk video was used for indoor miles. I did the video twice doing 4/5 miles each time.
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    Day 12/90

    6 miles indoor (90 min) + 7.2 miles outdoor (123 min) = 13.2 miles total

    Total Autumn Miles Walked = 36.2/500

    - Biggest Loser Power Walk was used for indoor miles. I did mile 1 three times and did miles 2,3,4 once each.
    - Outdoor miles consisted of a 5 mile walk and a 2.2 mile walk
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    Day 13/90

    6 miles indoor (90 min) + 5.0 miles outdoor (85ish min) = 11.0 miles total

    Total Autumn Miles Walked = 47.2/500

    - "Miracle Miles" was used for indoor miles. I did the 1mile, 2 mile, and 3 mile walks.
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    Day 14/90

    8 miles indoor (120 min) + 7.3 miles outdoor (125ish min) = 15.3 miles total

    Total Autumn Miles Walked = 62.5/500

    - "Miracle Miles" and "Boosted Miles" were used for indoor miles. I did 4 miles from each program.
    - Noel Gallagher for outdoor walking tunes
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    Day 15/90

    5 miles indoor (75 min) + 5.0 miles outdoor (85ish min) = 10.0 miles total

    Total Autumn Miles Walked = 72.5/500

    - "Miracle Miles" was used for indoor miles. I did the 5 mile walk.
    - Everclear for outdoor walking tunes
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    Day 15/90 (Evening Session)

    4 miles indoor (60 min) + 0.0 miles outdoor (0 min) = 4.0 miles total

    Total Autumn Miles Walked = 76.5/500

    - I did the Biggest Loser power walk for this
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    Day 16/90

    4 miles indoor (60 min) + 5.0 miles outdoor (85ish min) = 9.0 miles total

    Total Autumn Miles Walked = 85.5/500
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    Day 20/90

    8 miles indoor (120 min) + 6.3 miles outdoor (108ish min) = 14.3 miles total

    Total Autumn Miles Walked = 99.8/500

    - Biggest Loser Power Walk and Boosted Miles used for indoor miles