Getting back on track

Amson19 Posts: 17 Member
Hey everyone!

I joined MFP a while ago, stopped and started back up again earlier this year. In the last three months, I've had two deaths in the family and a vacation. Needless to say, I've fallen off of my track and schedule. The scale keeps going up and that light at the end of the tunnel is fading. So - I need some encouragement if at all possible!!

I've been on the heavier side all of my life, so my friends and family say that I don't really need to change my weight because they will love me for me...blah blah blah. Well I don't want to be this weight forever - f that! lol I want to be the healthy skinnier chick! :)

I started Zumba a month and a half ago and love it! Even feel guilty when I miss a class. But the scale is still going up and I get discouraged. (Now after looking back at my journal - I see why - my sodium and sugar is out of control.) This past week or so I did not track because I was about to give up again, but this past weekend I said to myself - "Self - We are going to get your a** in gear, life on track, back on a schedule and do this damn thang!"

I guess what I'm asking is, however desperate this may sound - will some people add me as a friend?? lol I need individuals in my life who understand the struggles, challenges and enjoyment of weight loss. Thank you all for taking the couple of minutes out of your day to read this - I appreciate it. :)


  • brittanyariel09

    I myself, sympathize and empathize with what you're going through. Being on the chunky side most of my existence, it's definitely easy to get discouraged when you see no change, or the dreaded increase on the scale. Also, like you, my sugar and sodium were out of control, so I went back and figured out that for me, it was my caffeine addiction, so I was discouraged because there was no way I could be effective on the job without it, and if I went a while without coffee or a soda or tea, when I finally caved and had one, I "caffeined out". So I've learned to let myself have my fix, whether it's my caffeine fix or my sweet tooth fix, but force myself out the door for a walk or zumba or something, mainly so I don't feel guilty later.

    However, I realize this is no easy feat, when you are perfectly able to tell yourself, well, I'll work really hard tomorrow. It definitely helps to have someone to be accountable to, who can relate to your struggles. Therefore, I don't think you sound desperate and I'd love to be your friend =)
  • Amson19
    Amson19 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you!! Yes - iced coffee from DD or Starbucks in the summer is my HUGE down fall. Had one this morning with SF syrup and equal instead. Wasn't too shabby! :) Looking forward to helping each other out! :)
  • boophil
    boophil Posts: 99 Member
    I, too, am just getting back on track. I would love to add you as a friend - we can keep each other honest! Every year I say that this is the year the rest of my weight will come off and stay off - help me make 2013 that year?

    Hang in there! We're all in this together!
  • leaellenj
    leaellenj Posts: 38
    Wow, you have had a LOT happen this year.

    I'm happy to have you as a friend!
  • LisaMarie8713
    I'm in to help if I can! Normally I'm quite involved, but stacked myself with extra school this summer and taking too many in the fall. But should graduate finally!! I work fulltime, have two kids, and have seem to have lost my way over the summer. Normally I have time to exercise when the kids are with their dad, but the accelerated classes take up my waking minutes, along with housework. I decided today was the day to kick back in gear (pop and coffee is a prob for me too!)

    Add me and maybe we can bust through our slumps!