5'9, weigh 164...goal is 140 in 68 days is this possible?



  • Lovee_Dove7
    Lovee_Dove7 Posts: 742 Member
    jemhh wrote: »

    9.5 weeks for 24 pounds = 2.52 pounds per week.

    Not realistic. Not even 20 pounds is realistic at your starting stats.

    That's exactly how much I lost weekly, for 3months solid. It's possible, and a good thing if done right! I
    Here's how I did it http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/108738-hormone-resetters
    Click on How It Works to see the plan.
    Protein, healthy fats, veggies, fiber, easy on the carbs, moderate exercise including weights.
    I don't think you need to lose that much weight.
    If I were you, I would focus on gaining fitness, including recompositioning your body (fat loss if needed). I'm just guessing that a 10lb loss through increased cardiovascular fitness and weight training would look beautiful on you.
    I do still recommend the plan I mentioned above for diet.
    Get a fitness tracker, a food scale, a measuring tape. Take some before pics, and go for it!!
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    bethannien wrote: »
    In the words of Taylor Swift "Haters gonna hate hate hate hate"...no I didn't no start morbidly obese. Yes I'm a dude, I started at 6 ft 193, down 21 pounds in a lil over 2 months. And since I didn't describe how I did it, the person who suggested I did it unhealthy does know that one way or the other. So again OP it can be done and don't let anyone tell you it cant.

    Once again, OP is within a healthy weight range. You were in the overweight range. The less you need to lose, the slower you lose it. Full stop.

    "I did it, so can you" assumes all things are equal. They are not.

    Disagreeing with your bad and not useful proclamations doesn't make anyone a hater.

    I answered her question. The answer is yes it is possible. If you think the truth is bad I'd recommend getting a clear piece of glass medically inserted so you can see. :) she asked, I answered. I'm done with the forums on this site. Frame of mind is important, and negative attitudes are counter productive. Yes the OP can do it. I never told her how, or that she should only that she can. Just because you failed, had slower results or want to feel better about yourself by telling other people they can't doesn't change the fact that YES ITS POSSIBLE. Bye Felicia, say what you. OP, dm me if you want to know how I will give you step by step instructions and you can prove all the haters wrong like I did

    I'm concerned because you're not being public about your instructions-why can OP only learn about them in private? It makes your methods and your motive suspect.