Looking for friends to share this weight loss journey!

Hello everyone! I am 5'3" and when I started my path to a healthier and thinner lifestyle in January of this year I weighed 189 lbs. Now I weigh in at about 171 and my goal is to get to 135 lbs by next spring. I have done every crash diet there is and have been extremely successful in reaching my goals but not so much in maintaining them. It seems like everytime I gained everything back plus some but not this time. I am working on losing the weight the right way, through healthy eating and an active lifestyle. I am not a gym rat by any means. I prefer to enjoy outside activities such as watersports, hiking, walking, softball and vollyball. I have a very hard time getting motivated to get on a treadmill, lift weights or pop in a workout video even though I know I would benefit from those activities as well. I have set myself up a monthly goal of 3-4 lbs weigh lose and this has worked great. I am learning to be accountable for what I do or don't do. I do miss the rapid weight loss though but my goal is not only to lose the weight but mainatin it. So please feel free to add me as a friend since I know I could use all the support and encouragement available. Also I love having buddies that help me to stay on track by keeping in contact daily. Keeps me accountable and on track. Please join me and we can share our success and support each other through the frustrations and difficulties that go along with this road to a healthier us.