Chronic illness and staying healthy



  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia as a child (very rare) and have had 7 surgeries for joint and gastric issues, now I'm undergoing a boatload of tests to see if I actually have a genetic condition called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. I'm currently doing pretty well, except for fatigue and although I'm maintaining I second everyone else who said log carefully, you don't need exercise to lose weight.

    I would also add to find what foods make your symptoms less intense. I have gastroparesis (basically I digest super slowly) and I follow a FODMAP diet, another diet may work better for you.
  • grnwoodtree
    grnwoodtree Posts: 6 Member
    This looks like the group for me. I just typed a post to introduce myself and for the second time deleted it before I could post.
    Too tired to rewrite it.
    I have ME/CFS, Hashimotos disease, viral load, gut and endocrine issues, immune system failure, entering menopause. I'm a mess, disabled, can't work.
    I must lose weight, I'm well educated in wholistic and alternative nutrition.
    I need help and support to continue.
    I'm isolated and alone and in a bad relationship.
    Tonight I hit the wall and wanted to give up. Been eating some form of restricted diet for over 11 years! Have had 32 doctors and very little help, and constantly conflicting dietary advice.
    I want a damn gluten free pizza. Period.
  • AudreyJDuke
    AudreyJDuke Posts: 1,092 Member
    What a great discussion. Will share with a friend who has lupus.