Strangest aids to your weight loss

Most of us share the same ways to achieve our goals. CICO, food scales, etc. I'm curious about the out-of-left field reasons we've discovered that help our "journey".

Mine is cross-stitch. I took it up the same day I recommitted to myself, and for a sedentary activity, it's helped me lose more steadily in the past couple of months than I have in ages. I'm a distracted snacker, I'll watch YouTube and drink a glass of wine and before I know it I'll scarfed down a sack of chips because I wasn't otherwise occupied. I keep my hands busy with cross-stitch and so, I don't mindlessly snack. Hell, I physically can't!

Anyone else have an activity or habit that sounds like it would have nothing to do with your weight/fitness goals, but has actually made a difference?



  • jolive7
    jolive7 Posts: 283 Member
    Adequate fiber intake accounted for in your calorie intake
  • Beverly2Hansen
    Beverly2Hansen Posts: 378 Member
    For me, constant fidgeting of all things actually holding a water bottle while listening to music and flipping it upside down/ right side up cut my snacks so much. Also I learned about eating something other than your craving to ward off high calorie late night snacking for example I want ice cream but I will eat either cottage cheese with pineapple or fresh chopped strawberries with 4oz vanilla yogurt mixed into it. Also starting to properlly hydrate as in actually looking up how much water you need and drinking it. Turns out it takes forever to drink all that water but often hunger is actually thirst so viola you're cutting calories
  • JenniferNoll
    JenniferNoll Posts: 367 Member
    Pickled cherry peppers or pickled cauliflower. For some strange reason, the strong flavor of these foods will kill any craving I have, even for ice cream, chips, or brownies. I can't tell you why, but it works. The vinegary taste gives me the shivers, but all I have to do is eat one piece.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Biggest aid for me - Patience
    Close second - high fiber diet
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Walking around in a weighted vest while reading. Keeps the whole body busy, and if you do it in public, people act like you're pulling off a magic trick.

    I walk on the treadmill while reading. Do you walk around outside while reading?
  • acmorris77
    acmorris77 Posts: 80 Member
    Coldeez, or any zinc tablet. It totally takes away your appetite because it makes your taste buds numb. I learned this when I had a cold. It's not pleasant, it helps if a 3 o'clock craving for office donuts happens!