Exercises for Limited Mobility

Hello all! I'm recovering from a pretty bad broken ankle (broke 3 bones, dislocated it, spent 14 weeks non-weight bearing) and it's going very slowly. Though I am able to walk around without a cane or crutch, and I can put full weight on that side and even do toe raises on my "bad" foot, I do have a lot of problems with the flexibility of the joint so I can't do things like walk down stairs normally (it just doesn't bend enough yet). I'm not quite yet cleared to run or do anything with a lot of impact, and even walking around the grocery store for an hour makes my foot swell up and sore. I don't have regular access to a pool (I might be able to mooch off a friend from time to time though), or a gym membership. Can anybody think of good exercises I can do in my current state? I'm thinking I can do crunches and leg lifts and that sort of thing, but I can't quite figure out how to get anything somewhat aerobic in there. Any ideas?